truthseeker: We think we know why and say it was on poor retention of children and teens, but is there more to this?
I believe the retention rate for JW offspring is part of it, but, also, I think they were just worried about the stagnancy, lack of sense of urgency with no end date to keep up excitement, etc. The religion was (and still is) getting clobbered on the internet, and it was beginning to seem more and more irrelevant and old-fashioned. JWs finally realized that they can't win the doctrinal/theological arguments like they used to think they could.
So with all that in mind, I think they were desperate. They saw that their ship was sinking; they saw the writing on the wall. They realized the internet was killing them, so they had to embrace it. I really feel that they looked to a commercial firm for rebranding. It was too much, too drastic, and too quick for it to have come from inside. They sold out. I'd love to observe the reaction of Fred Franz if he rose from the grave and observed the current state of JWdom.