The Past! the past!

by joelbear 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    its easy to either demonize the past or think of the past as "the good ol days". both ways of thinking distract us from making realistic and hopeful goals for our future. thinking about the past should be relegated to the days when we truly have run out of physical energy and are in the resting days of our life.

    think about now

    make real attainable goals for the short term and long term and work toward each one of them.

  • kls

    The past is also a learning tool as to what not to do and not to repeat the mistakes you made in the past ,but to remember them and move forward.

  • Narkissos

    Hmm... read Marcel Proust.

  • Hellrider
    Hmm... read Marcel Proust

    God, no. I tried that, gave up half-way thru the first book. Proust was one of those authors that could write 200 pages about a ...cake, turn the cake into a metaphor for existence, and then another 200 pages about whether to eat it or not...Boooooring....(and I even love litterature...)

  • Narkissos

    LOL @ Hellrider.

    OK, forget about Proust.

    But don't try to forget the past.

    After all, if

    thinking about the past should be relegated to the days when we truly have run out of physical energy and are in the resting days of our life
    then our ever-increasing past is also our future -- that which we eventually will have to deal with.
  • joelbear

    okay, my point is don't get stuck in the past.

    i like cake, i liked past cakes, i will enjoy future cakes

    especially german chocolate cakes.

    the last past cake i had was raspberry white chocolate mousse cake. i can think about it

  • xjwms

    Yesterday ended last night

    Today is a new day

    I look forward to tomorrow

    Lets try to be as positive as possible

  • greendawn

    Naturally we shouldn't have a negative perception of the past as you say, but still we need something of the past because our roots are there, we can't altogether forget it. But yes it would be silly to be stuck in it in a way that will lose us the future.

  • bigmouth

    Good to see you looking forward joelbear!

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