LOL! The ONLY differences are the temperature (rarely gets that hot here) and the breakfast tacos (we have breakfast pizza here)!! Everything else is the same.
Um, but Texan....panty hose are REALLY bad. I rarely wear them to this day. In the summer it's like wearing 3 layers of Saran Wrap stuck to your sweaty legs and nether regions, topped by the obligatory slip made of another layer of Saran Wrap and then a matronly long skirt. Your feet sweat so bad in the summer, they slide around in your shoes. When you get up from your seat in the car, there is a sweaty butt print left. I develop hives when I wear them in the heat.
In the winter, imagine trying to shield your bare skin from zero degree winds, blowing snow, and splashing dirty slush with the same Saran Wrap. The boots protect your feet somewhat, but the wind and cold freeze your legs and nether regions. You try to find boots that prevent frostbite but don't make you look too much like a snowmobiler. At first your legs start to feel as though they're developing blisters, then the pain turns into numbness. Once you go inside, your skin starts stinging really bad. You can try to find thicker tights, but they look like something from Little House on the Prarie and they don't help much.