sucking on lifesavers to stay awake
watching families eat meals during the session
the smell
having people steal seats you have saved
oh my god, do witnesses today know that conventions used to last until 9pm YIKES
being shushed by the hall monitors who we ignored
being disappointed with every new release except My Book of Bible Stories which was pretty cool
being squished in the lines at the concession stand
despising shasta
finding cute guys to look at a few rows ahead
trying to make sure the girl i was sitting with didn't notice me looking at the cute guy a few rows ahead
rejoicing at the end of the final session of the day
hooking up with friends to go out and eat and party
i worked for years in the audit dept at the jacksonville fla assemblies, that was fun. i was also an attendant for a few years. worked a concession stand for 3 summers with my congregation
memories, like the corners of my mind