"Those apostates were right about you people."
What would you expect Jesus to say if he gave a talk at a Kingdom Hall?
by JH 35 Replies latest jw friends
"I expected that my words and actions would be changed over the centuries......BUT YOU PEOPLE ARE AN MORE THAN AN EMBARRASSMENT TO ME!!!!
You have NO CLUE what the "Good News" IS.......
.....And while I'm at it---I gave my LIFE for you under horrible circumstances! I conquered DEATH as foretold and was resurrected to prove WHO I WAS, and WHAT I HAD DONE.........and you INGRATES don't even acknowledge that day!! All you DO is to get all dressed up once a year, talk about my death......and forget ME the REST of the year!!!!
Get AWAY from me, you workers of lawlessness!!!!!
Star Moore
I loved auld soul's comment. About him being an apostate. He was the original apostate so I must follow his pattern of healthful words.
Also he would say, Surprise. God accepts honest hearted people in every religion.
"You heard that it was said, 'You must report at least 10 hours of field service a month'"
"I say to you, speak, act, and live your life in a way that makes people WANT to know your religion"
"Do not blow the horn and meet at the hall for service in order to be seen by men, but quietly so only your heavenly father sees do you visit the sick and speak consolingly to the depressed and give aid to those who need your help"
"In this way your reward in heaven will be great"
"Do you not understand? My heavenly father cares for everyone! He makes his rain fall and sun shine on all without judgement. They are all his children. They are all my brothers, though some do not know it."
"You who do know me and these truths I am counting on you to take the lead in love on the earth....everyday and in every way you can."
"When you do it for the least of these my brothers, you do it for me"
(That was fun!)
Anewme -
Would that talk be delivered before or after he drove the elders out of the hall and turned over the 'contribution boxes'?
Star Moore,
I have said that on other threads but in this thread I said he would disassociate himself. I think it was Frannie Banannie who said he'd be called an apostate by this org in this thread.
to Frannie!
My thought exactly Miss Jeannie!
"Stop making the house of my Father a house of merchandise--a second-rate publishing company and literature distribution racket!!! Stop making my disciples into door to door book salesmen!!! And stop harboring pedophiles while chastising and casting out the caring, the concerned, and the confused. Protect my little lambs and stop feeding them crap.
"The Scripture says, 'The congregator sought to find the delightful words and the writing of correct words of truth....As regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh.'
"Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls.
"I'm outta here. Now who's with me?"
Jehoover 12:8 "And when Jesus did approacheth the stage, he took a small packeteth of Kool-aideth, along with a small vial of Cyanideth. After saying a small prayer, he outstetcheth his arms, and miraculously, many plastic pitchers of laced Kool-aideth did appear, and Jesus said "Drink this, you hypocritical fools, you shunners, you backstabbing vipers, as thou hast no place amongst me."
Local Announcements:
I have made a small adjustment to the drinking fountain in back. It now dispenses wine.
Also, I will be enjoying a meal after the meeting with all the disfellowshipped ones, marked ones, and those who are considered bad association.