anyone else?
I hate AOL...
by TresHappy 26 Replies latest jw friends
I love AOL. I've been using it forever! I can't even remember when I got it first. I have all of these other online services that I don't use, for instance, Cox Cable, Yahoo DSL and others. I don't even remember what my screen name is on some of the services, but I never forget my AOL screen name.
Why do you hate AOL?
Tired of it logging me off in the middle of me surfing on the Internet...perhaps it's just my computer. I've had it though...Had the same e-mail for 6 years and I don't want to change!
yes - slow and sucky
My husband wants to get rid of it. Says we can get better service cheaper...think he's going with Earthlink. I don't know...anyone else have trouble with Earthlink?
Mines doesn't log off. My daughters did when we had the wireless system hook-up. Now, I have Yahoo DSL and she has Cox Cable. This makes it a direct connection, so she doesn't get logged off. Also, if we happen to have something happen to one service, we'll have the other. We're addicted to the net!
Before you switch, you may want to compare services for your area. There are a few places online you should be able to do that.
I stumbled on this one today by CNET:
you put in your area code and it is supposed to give you a list of isps to compare. I think it just refers to connection speed, etc...but you can filter the info by dial up...some of the companies have a hyperlink that will give you the break down of the service regarding costs, etc...
Here is another site that compares some to AOL:
I hated AOL because when we had it years ago it took forever to cancel the account and customer service sucked. However, they do have decent content...I just hated getting booted all the time.
My friend loves netzero, and has been using it for a few years. She doesn't live in TX though, so I don't know if it is any different down here.
We had a problem with Earthlink's billing dept. We were not getting dial up though...but we tried to switch last year to their DSL, and it took them 5 weeks to realize we couldn't get it. So the order was canceled, and we were charged over 200 dollars for a cancelation fee. What got that straightened out, but they still charged us 22 bucks a month for almost a year before I could finally get them to realize we didn't have their service and got the money refunded. It took almost a year because every time I called I was on hold for a min of 30 minutes before I gave up. When I finally got through, I was on hold forever, but wouldn't let it go.
When I started surring the net back in the late 80s, AOL always disconnceted me. Then I found a program that wouldn't all AOL to be cut off.
Then AOL started to pre-bill me. Then they started billing me, through my Visa card, for things I never ordered. I cut AOL off and went with another ISP. Then AOL wrote me and gave me a few months free for my problems and I went back on. Then, again, AOL was billing me way too soon or they kept up billing me things I never asked for. Again I discontinued AOL.
So the war began until this last try...AOL told me I'd get 3 months free. I already have a DSL. Then some how I discovered that my DSL and AOL had a conflect and told them I couldn't use AOL. They said fine.....Then later I found out not only did they bill me for AOL, but they billed me for many things.
Back in 1998 I decided to give AOL a check, instead of using my Visa. They said, later, that it would be an extra $5 or more for the check. Now that's stupid.
Do I like AOL? No way man..........My DSL is about almost $10 less then AOL and I'm doing fine.
What amazes me, is that I work with talking to the public daily about this topic and you would be surprised at how many people love AOL more then life itself. Not exagerating a bit. I have shown people products that are half the price of AOL dail-up and they will keep it, just because they are scared of leaving the AOL religion.
Frannie Banannie
My SIL is a computer engineer certified by Microsoft. He TEACHES computer classes and says AOhell is a virus. It is programmed to bump you offline and cause all sorts of snafus so you will be forced to continually upgrade everytime they come out with a newer version.....kinda like the WTS and its "new light"...heh AOhell also infiltrates every aspect of your computer, so you have trouble with any other server you may try to use if you do not erase AOhell and all its little tentacles from your system.