What was it?
The Greatest Miracle
by Honesty 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
When my son was born. I cried my eyes out.
atonement coupled with resurrection?
When my son was born. I cried my eyes out.
That's sweet, Hellrider. You're close, very close.
The greatest miracle is:
Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
The old question to the philosophers. Nobody can answer;-)
see: http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/kosmos/titel/2004_009.htm
The immensity of the universe with its billions of galaxies and countless trillions of stars, and how all these move perfectly like a clock.
The immensity of the universe with its billions of galaxies and countless trillions of stars, and how all these move perfectly like a clock.
I think it would be a miracle if they would NOT move perfecly like a clock.... Anyway, if you count a miracle as something that can not yet be explained by science and is also not is the picture of soon to be explained, then what plyphiser said, indeed the beginning of time.
I like to turn that question upside down: Instead of asking, what is the greatest miracle, what is the purpose of life, is there an afterlife, etc, I tell myself: "You are able to ask those questions, and ponder on these issues, because you exist". That`s all. It doesn`t have to be any more than that, because you`ll never get an answer to those questions anyway. Try thinking like that. It`s another state of mind.
Wasanelder Once
The greatest miracle of all is that the WBTS is still sucking the life out of millions and they gratefully submit to it.
Where does the word miracle first appear in the bible.
Jesus did miracles when he healed, resurrected, and multiplied the fish and bread.
The word miracle wasn't used to describe the creation.