Hey! Good on yer Auld soul!! We need blokes like you [and all the others, of course] to put ourselves out to help those caught up in the WT movement. I did something like that back in the 80s when I threw off the WTS shackles. Along with a group of others, we started to run an evening "class" for those interested in the teachings of the WTS. We put descreet ads in the local community papers, and got quite a good response. Oddly enough we got more of the kind of people who already had someone in the WT movement, rather than themselves. Like distraught parents, whose kids had got caught up and husbands whose wives were in it and wives whose husbands were in it. They all wanted to know how to counter what appeared to be the plausible arguments of the WT. Like the WT fetish of all things "pagan" and the anti-social attitudes of the WT - no voting, no going in for higher education, the blood issue and so on. In turn these, having been educated in WT doctrine found that they could now talk intelligibly with those in the movement. Our method was to use the "Paradise" book [then the current "truth"] and point out its fallicies. It was exhausting but exhilirating at the same time. One of the more amusing episodes was when one of the kids in the movement told her parents that the "Paradise" book was rock-solid truth and would never need to be changed, simply because it was the TRUTH and truth does not change Promptly the WTS changed the teaching on Sodom and Gomorrah and page 179 became obsolete overnight. The kid was badly shaken but she stayed on only to leave some years later for unrelated reasons
Good to know you young'uns are carrying the work into the 21st Century - Go git 'em lads and lassies !!