Big, freaking deal.
If they were true Christians, they'd be helping people all the time. Not just when there is a big disaster that involves a large number of JWs.
After the tsunami, I heard 2 ministerial servants say, "the great thing is, there were no witnesses involved so we don't have to send any aid"
Jesus didn't just preach, he fed the poor and took care of the sick too. "The Evil Christendom's" churches have food pantries, drug rehabs, shelters for abused women and children AND they manage to preach the Word too. They even have TV and radio programs! I doubt the WT is even that serious about getting the message out, if they were, wouldn't they try to reach everyone by having a TV or radio show? Tally up the works of the JWs and the works of "false religion" and it's pretty obvious which one is more Christlike.
When they start opening up soup kitchens and homeless shelters, I might be impressed. Seeing them do one big effort, once in a blue moon, means nothing to me.