I'm new to this board, only my second time posting, and I have been out of the organization officially since I disassociated about 3 years ago. I have seen so many bad things in my time as a witness, my disfellowshipped oldest brother committed suicide, prior to that he was terribly shunned by my family, my other brother and sister didn't talk to him for probably 10 years. Two children in my family have been molested by the sons of JW elders in two U.S. states and in both cases the parents were told to not go to the police. (So when I saw the Dateline program I knew these people were telling the truth.) My parents divorced because of the witnesses, my mother became a witness when I was 2 and my father never bought into it, which caused marital problems between them. My father was not allowed to take us to church or to celebrate the holidays or anything. These are just some of the things that have happened in just my family.
Then you have worldwide, all the adults and children that have died because of the ban on blood transfusions. You have all the people that have committed suicide because of the shunning, then you have all the destroyed families because of shunning and divorce when one spouse isn't a JW or leaves the JWs. When you really think about it, it is so sad and disgusting. The bible talks about false prophets and how you will know them by their fruits. The fruit of the WTS is rotten to the core, when you really look at what happens to people, not just the false image the organization tries to portray. I have just been thinking about all this lately and I can't believe I didn't see it sooner. I honestly can't believe the media have not exposed more about all the people that have died, especially children because of the blood ban. I keep thinking that something more is going to happen with this, maybe due to the legal document that just come out, but even before that I kept thinking that this is what will bring them down and show them for what they are (a dangerous and destructive cult). What do you think?