You know I'm not sure if I've ever thanked all of you. Thank you Simon!!! When I was coming out 3-4 years ago, I don't know how I could of done it without you all. Your encouragement. Your information. I'm out, I'm Free. And I LOVE my Lord Jesus Christ more than ever. My husband and kids are out. We celebrated our 3rd Christmas with my family and it was so wonderful. It was a difficult journey. I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. When I first realized it was NOT the truth. I was a lurker for many months before I posted. People are reading and watching and listening. It is OK. I just wanted to let you guys know how much of an impact you've had on my life and my family. It is HUGE. I'm not sure I can ever thank you enough. The person who made the site 607vs587BCE is the person who started the ball rolling. If he posts here THANK YOU.
by lv4fer 11 Replies latest jw friends
That IS great news!!
Congratulations on being free!
>> We celebrated our 3rd Christmas with my family and it was so wonderful.
We're right behind ya, this was out second. Congrats and enjoy your life.
While we're at it, Thanks to all for the help you gave us as well!
Thanks, my wife laughs at me because I spend so much time here. This is the reason I do.
The person who made the site 607vs587BCE is the person who started the ball rolling. If he posts here THANK YOU.
Does anyone here know what thread the 607/587 issue is in?
Can someone post it for me?
lv4fer.... This site is awesome, ain't it? So are all the people here.
I love seeing low post counts for years of coming to the forum. That means the net damage was minimal. That is such an encouragement.
I think she means this site:
If you scroll down to the bottom you get to the communications back and forth about 607 that this guy had with the Society. The research was well done, the letters were on target.
AuldSoul -
The 607v587 site is here:
One thread on 587 is
(oops AuldSoul beat me to the first one)
Yes, that is the web-site. It is very well done. I actually stumbled upon it while looking for some info for a part I was putting together for the ministry school. What a rude awakening. After reading that, it gave me the courage to question other things and then I found this web-site and everything just fell apart after that. It took me about a year to stop attending meetings completely.
>> I actually stumbled upon it while looking for some info for a part I was putting together for the ministry school.
Would've loved to have heard that part!
I was in such a state of shock, I didn't use any of the info from the site. I just did my part using the garbage from the society. It was like a ton of brick on my head. I really thought I had the truth, then it all just fell apart. I'm happy for it now but there is no description for the feeling you have. It is like someone rips your world out from under you.