I agree, Ray Franz's work in chapter 9 of "In search of Christian Freedom" was well done. His comparison with blood fractions to a ham sandwich was so simple, but brought the point home so powerfully. You can have ham, cheese and bread : just not all together.
Got any good questions about Blood issue?
by whyizit 20 Replies latest jw friends
This question changed my life. For real this did. I was asked at the book study a question by a brother that as soon as he asked it I know it was going to impact my life in a real big way. It was if we can not auto transfuse our selves because the blood quagulates then why can we take fractions that have been quagulted before the fractions are taken out?
Man my head spun, because I know he was onto something big? I could not answer him. I asked him to do some research then share it everyone nexted book study. He told me he had done all the research possible without going to the internet. So I told him I waould do some research on the interent and get back nexted book study. When I did I found the Bulgeria inforamtion.
It really hit me out of no where this question. It is the reason that I am here today. If he had not asked that question to me I would still be there ruling over the congregation.
Have I ever told you guys how much I LOVE and RESPECT all of you??!! I do, I do, I really and truly do!!!! I'll keep checking back to see if there are any more suggestions. You are a terrific group of people and I thank God for you!
For JW's "incurring bloodguilt" and "avoiding bloodguilt" are two very important issues. (This is not a criticism, I actually agree with them.) When it comes to the sanctity of the gift of life and the severe penalty associated with unjustly depriving another human of this gift, the Bible is crystal clear
If a JW cannot place transfusion under the umbrella of a direct biblical command (And as others have demonstrated, they can't) then you could ask:
"You are expected to make this decision not only for yourself, but for your children as well. Exactly where did God authorize you to cause the death of another human being based upon your own speculation?"
"Isn't the presence or absence of a direct command from God the basic, moral difference between Abraham and the ancient Phoenicians?"
Actually, I have had the most success with getting JWs to wonder by bringing up the principle of storing blood.
Blood fractions are allowed as a conscience decision, most recently hemoglobin-based products. They are made from expired stored blood. How is it possible to use these if the blood should have been poured out in the beginning? Hmmmm? And we aren't just talking about a little bit of blood for testing purposes.
The biggest mistake JW's make is their thinking that it is wrong for Christians to eat blood. If you address THAT issue the transfusion question is finished. That's why the scripture I quoted from Mark above needs to be included in the arsenal of those dissenting watchtower blood policy.
Too many x-jw really think that it is wrong to eat blood. They haven't figured out that Christians are not under the Mosaic food restrictions.
Am I alone on this or do some of you see what I'm getting at.
I am familiar with the Mark argument and have used it myself.
The counter for it is the one about "this command stands for time indefiinite, don't eat blood or fat". I don't remember which one that is.
I have had them say to me that "if you Dr. said abstain from beer would you take it like a transfusion?" which is really silly. But what I try and show them is that, if someone was to take beer that way, the body would use it as food. But if you were to take blood that way it would continue the same function it was made for, to carry oxygen through the body. The body would not use it for food.
In conjunction with this thought, I think this is a good argument: (I've yet to convince anyone though, so maybe it's not!)
1) The Watchtower has called blood an "organ".
2) The Watchtower has quoted a doctor as having called a transfusion a "blood transplant".
3) As pointed out above, blood is not food and is not seen by the body as food when it is injected.So, their infamous illustration about a doctor telling you to abstain from alcohol should actually be:
If a doctor told you to abstain from liver, would he still allow you to have a liver transplant?
As I was leaving the org, that question really caught my attention.
Jesus' words trump anything in the Old Testament
Jesus' words trump anything in the Old Testament
Would Jesus' words be applicable to the question of drug abuse? Drugs are ok, since they only enter the body and are therefore not defiling?
Would cannibalism be ok?
(I don't think this verse really gives the death-blow to the blood issue, since it has obvious inherent exceptions. The JW's would claim blood would be one of them.)