The WBTS really is a dangerous organization

by pratt1 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mrsjones5

    Knowing what I know I believe Skyman too.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Although startling to hear articulated so clearly, I, too, find what Skyman says believable. For one thing, I grew up with him in and around the same congregations.

    For another, I came up with the same logical conclusions AuldSoul did (re people dying/being killed before Armageddon getting another chance while those who died during the big A would not, mentioned on another thread) when I was a JW kid, and it gave me nightmares.

    Knowing the people who make up your world as you grow up would rather see you dead than a nonJW is not very comforting.


  • Mastodon

    Wouldn't surprise me one bit...

  • garybuss

    When I was a kid, my parents told me they would murder me if it was legal. I don't know if that's dangerous or not, but I do know it's sure not healthy for a kid to hear from his parents . . . or really anybody.

    I know all the talk about death and murder and dying was harmful to me. The whole subject of the Witness group is death. I pity the poor kids still going through all that.

  • IronClaw

    Death and the fear of it is what keeps most people handcuffed. How bout the Mexico/Malawi scam. How many were raped, imprisoned and murdered for a 25 cent card. Most witnesses wont admit it, but they serve God Organization out of FEAR not LOVE. Bottom line.

  • YoursChelbie

    I have personally heard in disbelief a Jehovah's Witness man (who claimed to be of the "anointed") yell to an eight-year old little girl whom he suspected was participating in holiday celebrations with her non-JW Grandmother:


    This immediately brought a look of fear and tears to this little girl's face. That is one event I will never forget. It led me to seriously begin considering the Watchtower religion as a sick cult to allow this type of emotional abuse.


  • Woodsman

    What Skyman said is not unbelievable at all. It happens everyday around the world and in celebrated cases like the Jonestown killings.

    Those who don't believe it may be Imagining how a person in their right mind could do such a thing.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are "out of their minds" in that the have given authority over their decision making to someone else, the FDS.

    In a hysterical moment, when they thought the end was here, and they are huddled together in fear anything can happen..

  • AlmostAtheist
    " GUESS What they all said yes. I asked ny brother the same question he said yes."

    THis is BS. I know plenty of JWs and non of them are so depraved as to murder their families in cold blood.

    If I remember correctly, this was during a judicial committee. And skyman had already made it clear that he didn't believe in the Watchtower anymore. So bravado was no doubt running high among the elders. Maybe if they were all out bowling, drinking a beer, and someone casually said, "Hey, if Bethel called tomorrow and said we should all kill our kids, would you?" the answers could conceivably be different.

    The sad fact is, though, they are already willing to kill their kids for the Watchtower. The blood policy is not in the Bible, it's in the Watchtower. If Bethel had a scriptural foundation for their request that JW's kill their families (or neighbors, or whoever), the true-blue dubs would be no more likely to ignore it than they ignore the blood policy.

    You can't assume a cult-member won't do something just because it's "crazy". They have their own way of defining crazy.


  • greendawn

    The WTS has enormous power over its members minds, but I consider it unlikely that they would be manipulated to the point of outright suicide, though death by refusing blood is a form of suicide.

    What Skyman wrote, that the elders said you have to believe whatever the GB say however absurd it may, shows how rotten and totalitarian this organisation is and how petty minded and fanatical these guard dogs of the FDS are.

  • Hellrider
    I know all the talk about death and murder and dying was harmful to me. The whole subject of the Witness group is death. I pity the poor kids still going through all that.

    Me to. Whenever I was disobedient (didn`t take much for that word to be used) I was always told that "in old Israel, children who didn`t honor their father and mother, were stoned!". Now, I`m all for being strict with the kids, but the JW-religion is a religion of child-haters.

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