What if you SAID you recorded the JC? Leverage?

by AlmostAtheist 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • kid-A

    Interesting premise, and I wonder if anybody has any such recordings. Nevertheless, it would depend entirely upon what they said in your absence....if they had made nasty, incriminating comments about you behind your back I could see you having some leverage, but I doubt that would ever be the case. They probably just review the evidence and have a vote. Nonetheless, with todays technology, this would be such a simple thing to do, if you planted a voice activated mic in the room a few hours before the JC.

  • Finally-Free
    Interesting premise, and I wonder if anybody has any such recordings.

    I recorded a number of conversations I had with elders, just in case they'd be useful one day, but never got anything too incriminating. None of the recordings were JC's though.


  • Tidefan

    They would still df you. Remember, when they df you, they are not doing anything to YOU--it is a directive to the membership to cease and desist all association with you...

  • gringojj

    I believe in most states it is illegal to record a conversation if none of the parties know. If you were in the room...no problem. If you taped from outside the door and you could hear its ok. But I dont think you can legally bug the room.

  • inbyathread

    And what would the elders do if the room was buged? You say illegal? Isn't what they are doing illegal? Copies of the recording could be made so fast that the owner of the tape could honestly say in court that he has destroyed all the recordings in his control and possesion.

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