Baptisim/Disfellowshipping & Age

by Krystal 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Krystal

    I apologize if I am re-posting a topic that was already discussed, but I have a question:

    I was baptised when I was 14 and disfellowshipped at 17... major life changing decisions all made before I was 18.

    Has anyone ever tried to have their baptisim/disfellowshipping annulled based on the fact that they were too young to enter into such a contract?

    I mean, if you think about it, the government doesn't even consider you old enough to vote or drink before you are 18, why would you be allowed to be held for the rest of your life to a decision you made when you were so young? Is there any legal precedent?

    Just curious... I don't think I would have ever made the decision to be baptised had I waited untill I was older.

    Lemme know what you think.

  • IronClaw

    Pesonally I dont think anyone should get baptized until they are adults. I got baptized at 14. Way too young. Think the borg allows it for the Numbers. After all they say we should follow Christs example. Well what do we find about Jesus? How old was he when he got baptized? And if anyone at age 12 was ready to get baptized, it certainly was Jesus. Good luck trying to get your baptizm annulled, I think the Borg would refuse on 2 counts.

    1: The Numbers game

    2: They cant disfellowship you, and lose control.

  • Scully

    You're right: At the age of 14, you can't get married, you can't vote, you can't have a job, you can't drop out of school, you can't sign a contract, you can't get a loan at the bank, you can't drive or buy a car, etc, etc.

    Baptism is supposed to be even more important than getting married, yet the JWs will only require that you study their recruitment literature for 6 months and answer their quiz in order to qualify for baptism. Even the WTS discourages short courtships and engagements. They say that it takes a long time to get to know someone well enough to want to spend the rest of your life with that person. Yet, they are happy to schmooze you for 6 months and let you get baptized, and then hold you accountable for the rest of your life.

    At the age of 14, you've barely had your first crush... and they'll tell you that you can't possibly understand what it really means to be in love. Yet, they consider you to be eligible to make a vow before God. Does that make any sense? Of course not. Even Jesus didn't get baptized until he was 30 years old... more than twice the age that you were when you got baptized. Yet if a child raised as a JW isn't baptized by the time they are legally an adult, the parents (fathers in particular) receive criticism from the elders that they aren't doing their job properly in "inculcating" their children with Jehovah's Laws™.

    It's a sad cycle.. the parents get pressure, and then start pressuring the children. If the children don't comply, the dad loses Privileges™ for not training the children properly. The dad loses Privileges™ and loses face in the congregation, so the children end up paying the price with more studying, more service, more meetings... so the dad can try to win back the favor of the elders.

    Of course, we both know the body of elders that you were dealing with.... not exactly top drawer material, my dear.

  • Krystal

    Thanks for your comments, I was just thinking of that the other day, why was I allowed to make this all important life decision when my parents were still telling me what time to go to bed? Ridiculous!

    Well, I intend to draft a letter to the congergation, my parents, and TO Bethel regarding this issue. I was thinking of consulting an attorney to see if there is anything legally I can do about it. I will keep you all posted!

  • Woodsman

    I have never heard of anyone doing that. I agree with you it was too young to make such a choice and it shouldn't be binding.

  • jwfacts

    I have sent you a PM.

    I sent in an annulment letter to the Service committee saying that at 16 I was a minor and so the contract was not valid. They said there may be some validity to that, but rejected it on the basis that when i was 18 I signed another contract with them as a pioneer.

    They do annul baptisms, but in your case my not look at it due to you already being disfellowshipped.

  • mark hughes
    mark hughes

    First of all you need to consider why we are encouraged to get baptised at such an early age.

    In my mind it is because when we are older and able to think more clearly for ourselves and realise what kind of cult we are involved in we are too scared to leave for fear of loosing contact with family and friends.

    Its a numbers game as well for the WTBTS the more people they have baptised, no matter what thier age, the more they can gloat to the "outside world" about thier growing in numbers.

  • Scully

    You might also want to check out some threads by kwintestal. Last year, Mrs. K (aka heart2heart) wrote a letter to DA herself. When the announcement was made at the KH, the elders announced that both kwintestal and heart2heart had DA'd. As a result, kwintestal appealed the announcement that was made about HIMSELF, and because the elders had not followed procedure, they were required to announce that they had made an error and that he was not DAd.

    It didn't matter, though. His family had learned about the announcement, but even after it was reversed, they refused to have anything to do with him.

    It all depends on the committee that DFd you and how they will spin the letter they receive from you to the congregation... and ultimately to your family. They may reverse the DFing and announce that your baptism was not valid, but they can still tell your parents that they have to treat you as though you are DFd.

    Mr and Mrs Kwintestal are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses

    I'm going to appeal my disfellowshipping tomorrow

    My undisfellowshipping

  • Krystal

    jwfacts: thank you for the PM, it will be most helpful! :-) "I sent in an annulment letter to the Service committee saying that at 16 I was a minor and so the contract was not valid. They said there may be some validity to that," I also aux pioneered but never as an adult only ever as young teenager. I don't really care if my family chooses to associate with me or not, no doubt they will consider any annulment (if successful) to be a technicality. This is really for my own peace of mind. I don't think I was of age to make such a decision and I want my concerns to be heard. Again, thanks for the advice/comments! :-)

  • BizzyBee

    Age 11 Baptized

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