If you would preach him simple and plain "Your WT teaching is leading you to the hell where you will burn thernally even if you do not believe in hell? You do not believe that you have salvation, you have no guaranty of that, so you are not saved and never be!" This is simply with big dirty boots over their tomatos? How JW reacts to this? Telling them thet THEY will be the ones who will burn!
how this would work on JW?
by Shazard 10 Replies latest jw experiences
Shazard, lots of people already do say things like this to JWs. They did it to me while I was one. It doesn't work. In fact, it might just be the worst possible way to reach most of them.
Surprisingly, it was a man, one nice summer day in feild service who told me and an another sister something like that. The only difference is that he was trying to be nice about it, he really did felt sorry for us and wanted to save us. He seemed like a very "spiritual man", knew all the verses even better then we did. The man didn't really convince me that hell existed, but he actually made me stop and think. He was the reason I accepted to take off my blinders.
Confession, this is not for "reaching them" but to plant the seed... seed which is truth and truth can set you free... only this truth shows God's anger
Why would I lie to them about a fictional place? You are as bad as they are, Shazard.
I remember i was out once in field service with a friend and this guy was talking to our book study conductor and this hottie sister a couple of doors away.
Anyway, he started to ramble on about how we were going to be destroyed if we didnt repent and followed him and said "I'm going to convert you and this girl and those two boys back there" lol, good times.
They would probably thank you for your time and walk away. And then LAUGH!
It wouldn't be very effective at all.
Yes, Shazard, it might plant a seed, and that's what I myself would like to do when talking with current JWs. I just personally think that a strongly worded attack isn't usually the best way to plant it. I think you'll find experienced cult exit counselors would agree. However, there's no telling... For some, such a direct, frontal attack might work--in fact might actually be what they need.
I had a person say some thing to this effect at the doors to me once, extreemly uneffective, reinforced crazy christian sending everyone to hell stereotype.
I laughed.
I can appreciate your motive, but think that there are better alternatives to this approach
Well I am just talking about theory. As they just do not come to me, coz I guess I am marked somehow in their maps. I just wander that I am never been JW so I technically can't be apostate. So why do they avoid me anyway... they have come several times... once I had no time to talk to them later they did not came. May be my brother has informed them that I am actually dangerous for JW, coz I am very wellinformed christian I guess I could plant seed... and that's they are afraid of...