Are you paranoid about posting?

by wombat 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Well, no, not really. My family members that are JWs know that I "flock" with apostates, so I don't think it would surprise them one bit if they found my posts on here. They also know that I do paranormal investigations and they still hang out with me, so I guess it doesn't really matter. They might take exception to some of my characterizations of our family life, but that is only because that is the way I perceived things, and not through their viewpoints.

    Of course, I have never been baptized, only raised in it, so I am sure that makes a huge difference.


  • trevor
    I'd become interested in the truth after an aborigine guy handed me a planted tract he'd found up a kangaroo's bum

    And out of the darkness came light!

  • anewme

    I must admit, everything I have posted about myself has been a complete fabrication...but what of it?
    My personal info is my personal info.
    Who would be so dumb these days as to be honest about background, sins, and where you live?
    You dont give that kind of info out on the web! EVER PEOPLE!

    I will try to be more candid in the future.
    Oh heck, why not now? Ok I'm coming out!!!!!!

    My real name is Laurel Carothers from Oregon
    I am 43 years old. I have two sons and have never been a Jehovahs Witness.
    I have been working for 8 years with an organization here in Portland which helps young people out of destructive cults. Our work has been noted and praised in quite a few West Coast documentaries. You can check out our website at


  • Dune

    I'm still an active witness so i wont be giving out my info like that. I do give experiences and stuff like that, but i change all of the names. I havent put what state i've been living in and i've not completely divulged my personal background except to those that PM me.

  • wombat

    Good on you Anew me. Nice to meet you

    My name is Geoffrey Russell, 20 Lindale Court, Cashmere, Brisbane. 4005 My email address is [email protected]

  • anewme

    Yes, it feels good to come out and tell the truth. Many more should do so!

    It is very freeing! Who cares? Truth will win out over lies in the end anyway!

    And isnt that what this forum is all about? TRUTH?

    So, stand up and be counted I say!

    On whose side are YOU on????


    Laurel Carothers (Anewme)

  • ButtLight

    I was at the beginning. Still a little, but really I dont know why. I have a huge family, and most are still in. But hell, they dont talk to me anyway!!!!!! So if they find out who I am, will they talk to me then? NOT!

  • anewme

    Sweet things, I was just kidding. You must be very careful of the far reaching implications of sharing your beloved personal info on the web.

    Very sincerely,

    Cecilia Nancy Snodgrass

  • sherrid

    Hello, is anyone there??? Do the Watchtower society monitor this page?? and if they do, what do they do about what they are reading???

    I would like to know why many of you here have disassociated yourselves from the JW''s kinda scary//////////..............and this sexual abuse thing, what's up with that; it is all true??

    Sherri D

  • delilah

    In the beginning, i was very angry, and posted almost TOO much information. Then i became more cautious, as I want no more trouble with the society, been there, done that. My life is peaceful now, and I wish it to remain that way, but I wouldn't say that I'm paranoid. If they find out, then so be it....

    Sherrid, you have a pm.....

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