Just read in another thread how a youngster moved many many miles from his old congo, where he had 'fessed to "self-abuse" (how many of the GB were in the early boy-scouts, I ask?)
Anyway, the new book study conductor took him to one side after the meeting and asked how successful was he in dealing with his "problem".
This is what gets me so much about letting HLC see your records - they have no sense of tactful kindness or privacy.
I knew someone who struggled with cross-dressing for many years. When he still wanted to try to be a witless, he went (fool!) to an elder for help. Years later the elder died. End of issue? No!
When the elder's wife was about to die, she asked to speak to another elder. Her husband had passed the information to her, so that in the event of his death the problem could still be dealt with. By this time the now ex-witless and his wife had moved away, and were rebuilding their lives in a rural community.
One day two elders walked up the path. They were complete strangers, yet had the cheek to start asking all kinds of nosey personal questions. Needless to say they were told to ***********! BUT-
Not before he told them he met an elder - for 25 years- at a drag ball. This guy had been doing it even before he was appointed (by Holy Spirit? WBTS should do stand up) They wanted to know where. He just said find out like you did with me, and slammed the door.
Yet strange to say, witlesses in the community now stopped talking to them, and avoiding them.
Once you admit a weakness or problem, God will forgive and forget. WBTS does neither, but ensures what they know on you will follow you around for the rest of your life. Since they won't let you read their "confidential " report on you, it is impossible to challenge what they say, or have false (or even true) information wiped away and forgotten.
Anyone else pay the price for rash confiding and confession?