I always liked Star Trek, kind of a Sci-Fi nut by nature. Anyway, an older episode involved leaving a gangster book on an evolving planet and then the people turned this into a way of life. Well it makes me wonder at times, what if our early cultures were once visited by an alien culture and instead of realizing this, they took their advance technology to be god? What if for example a person from Mayan times saw a television, cell phone or air plane? Wouldn't that seem godlike? Well I guess some people would have a hard time accepting that and would swallow angels to aliens, but there is something else people think might have been the birth of God worship. That is the sun, as ancient people worshipped and tracked the sun. Even making some of the earliest known buildings into calenders to track the seasons. I was reading a book once, that tracked the worship of the sun into the belief in modern God. Even the moon is a source of worship, as people used it to track time and seasons too. They saw this as another example of Gods. I was just thinking tonight about this, and how we often forget our primitive roots of thinking and forget how much simpler our minds were then and how we all still base so much faith on religions that grew from those simple and less aware times. We have no way of really knowing where any of these beliefs were really born and often we think the people who wrote these books we hold such faith in, had the education of a modern man. Most thought the world was flat, for example, and yet we accept their other thoughts as the "word of God!"
What if God was actually just an alien encounter in history?
by free2beme 26 Replies latest jw friends
My thought are your thought when it come to this. I wonder this all the time. I have been reading the story's of the babylonians the oldest know religion. You should do the same they know about theh heavens the sun the planets and the list goes on, and on, and on. They are the ones that talk first about the Great flood. You get the point, ifI a person truely wants to be opened minded you have to study them.
Gday Free
Even though there isn't realy any solid evidence of alien visitation, I think your theory is way more plausible than the idea that everything was created by an all knowing god sitting in heaven thoughtfully stroking his whiskers.
This will blow your gourd: The ancient sumerians, and by extension the chaldeans or babylonians, had their records recorded on clay tablets. They have records and their own historical perspectives that cover 100,000+ years of history. Yet, our scientists call this myth and religious nonsense. I'd be more inclined to trust these peoples' own version of their history than our version of their history. i just can't seem to find any of these that have been translated.
Archaeology does not support an advanced human civilisation going back 100000 the Sumerian mesopotamian one flourished from around 4000 BC.
Humans do have the divine spark that drives them to progress and civilisation, but its suppression creates stagnation and brutality as were very common in the ancient and not so ancient worlds. Tyranny, slavery, human sacrifices etc -
Archaeology does not support an advanced human civilisation going back 100000 the Sumerian mesopotamian one flourished from around 4000 BC.
Just because archaeology doesn't support it doesn't mean that it isn't a possibility. Whose word are we expected to take on that, the archaeologists? that's the same logic as the bible claiming to be the word of god, because it says so.
What would happen if this was true? There is a great deal of archaeological information that is suppressed because it does not fit with the current popular worldview.
I always liked Star Trek, kind of a Sci-Fi nut by nature. Anyway, an older episode involved leaving a gangster book on an evolving planet and then the people turned this into a way of life. Well it makes me wonder at times, what if our early cultures were once visited by an alien culture and instead of realizing this, they took their advance technology to be god?
Well, did you see that other Star Trek episode where the Greek god Apollo tried making the crew of the Enterprise serve him? Captain Kirk suggests that, as an alien, had Apollo travelled to earth 5,000 years in the past, he most certainly would have been viewed as a god.
I always remember the first time we went to the show and saw the movie Stargate. Basically, same thing: a far more technologically advanced alien comes to earth were, to the simple people, he's viewed as a god.
Ever read the first chapter of Ezekiel? From our standpoint today, sounds like Ezekiel might of had a close encounter:
I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north—an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, 5 and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their form was that of a man, 6 but each of them had four faces and four wings. 7 Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. 8 Under their wings on their four sides they had the hands of a man. All four of them had faces and wings, 9 and their wings touched one another. Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as they moved..............Fire moved back and forth among the creatures; it was bright, and lightning flashed out of it.
And Acts 10:9: About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. 10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. 11 He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.
It wouldn't surprise me at all, if the human race was much older than archeologists think. However, i'm negative on the alien/god thing.
Exactly so!
The point is: we have no way to prove or disprove the idea that the Bible was inspired by aliens or not. Every miracle
recorded within the Bible/Koran/Whatever could be a product of some alien purpose and this fact should stop religious fanaticism of all sorts
because we can't tell what circumstances exist outside of our little world, with any certainty.
It's all up for grabs.
Archaeology does not support an advanced human civilisation going back 100000 the Sumerian mesopotamian one flourished from around 4000 BC.
You have not looked a deap enough.
What about this? It toured the US's univerisity's lecture scene. it is a 100 million year old MAP that they can prove iis that old her is a link to THE MAP OF GOD http://english.pravda.ru/main/2002/04/30/28149.html here is another link http://www.lauralee.com/news/uralmap.htm and another link http://www.vnn.org/europe/EU0205/EU04-7306.html I have college news about the tours of the university's this is big very big. I could give more research article about this map if you want I have collecting articles for years.