prophecor...I think that a worldwide ban on ALL religion is coming as a matter of necessity. Maybe it is correct that GOD puts it into the hearts of the political element to destroy religion. When I see what Islam is doing and saying and when I hear some high profile Christian fundamentalists advocating assassination of governmental leaders or giving GOD credit for causing natural disasters to punish the way some have voted, it frightens me.
Islamic Extremism:Begining of the End of All Religion?
by prophecor 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
...I think that a worldwide ban on ALL religion is coming as a matter of necessity. Maybe it is correct that GOD puts it into the hearts of the political element to destroy religion. When I see what Islam is doing and saying and when I hear some high profile Christian fundamentalists advocating assassination of governmental leaders or giving GOD credit for causing natural disasters to punish the way some have voted, it frightens me.
Fairmind, I don't see it as being far fetched by any means. The timeline would be dramatically different. As has been said by others here, president Bush is an acknowledged Christian, the entire country appears to be on a religious upswing. There are mega-churches that are popping up everywhere, folks like Joel Olstein are a prime example with his church that was converted from a sports arena. It's becoming emensely popular to be Christian during theses days and times.
This scenario I'm projecting takes place well into the future, say 50-100 years from now. When the infancy of knowledge and understanding regarding moral issues, technological advances, especially as they relate to the internet as well as all manner of computers.
As advanced as we may think we are in these days and times, we are infantesmally small as it pertains to our knowledge and understanding. Technology everyday, proves to us how far we have come, but how truly behind the times we really are. Politcally, religiously, emotionally, actually on virtually all fronts of our present understanding.
If there's any shred of truth to the Left Behind series, as to what might happen in the future, then the possibility of religion one day coming to be outlawed as it relates to scripture looks like a very distinct possibility.