I've been reading a very persuasive site regarding a potential coming oil shock:
I've also looked at some of the counter arguements such as the theory of abiotic oil (oil is not a fossil fuel it is generated deep in the earth by geological processes and is therefore not going to run out.)
While I am naturally skittish(jumpy:) regarding world doom scenarios (bird flu, economic collapse, aliens from Mars ;) this one has made a lot of sense to me and I find in this article a direct answer to the Gulf policy of the US and from a possible trigger point for world war. I thought I'd post it here since it is at the very least a fairly interesting read.
I'm off to buy some acreage in Canada and to start my self sufficient farm:)
What do you think: laughable - scaremongering - brown pants time???
Coming Oil Shocks - real or myth?
by Qcmbr 14 Replies latest jw friends
I think that first off, alot of people are going to poo-poo this, putting their reliance onto scientists and politicians. My answer to that is check out New Orleans. If I could afford it now, I'd be working out a deal with a farmer to grow a set amount of corn for me to use as a source of biodiesel. Or some other such plan, point being, I believe in being self reliant and prepared for most circumstances.
I do think that there is some old Borg Algorythem still running that causes us to be paranoid and doom&gloom, but if that mentality causes us to be cautious and plan ahead, then it can't be all bad.
That was a very interesting article, but I think there are still many oil reserves that have not been discovered and that oil production will carry on as normally during our lifetimes. Of course ultimately oil reserves are finite and will run out at some time in the future but perhaps by then other energy producing ways will be discovered.
But can you imagine it, if petrol runs out and all cars become reduntant? Bicycles will become very popular. -
In short, I don't believe that new energy technology will be widely available until it becomes profitable. Nothing is wrong with making a profit, but I really hate the way the world markets are controlled and technologies are supressed or bought out.
I really don't think it's worth worrying about. In fact, as a 'worry', it would be way down on my list of priorities. Just think of a parent with a child who is terminally ill! It puts things into perspective!!
Seriously, you appear to be a natural worrier. I used to be such but since being hit with a serious disease my outlook has changed drastically. I've learnt so much these past two years and one important factor is NOT TO WORRY!!
Man will always look for other forms of energy. The oil companies themselves will be searching for alternatives so that their executives can continue to live in a life of luxury. Personally, I wish we could get back to the horse and cart. No pollution and a more carefree lifestyle.
Remember, for every cloud there's a silver lining!
I don't worry about it at all.
Because they human race is ingenious. Science will find a new answer to fuel problems and believe it or not, it may be even better than the answer we use now, fossil fuel, nuclear fuels etc. Science is far more eco friendly and aware than it was before.
It will be fine. Chill!
I'm sure by the time that oil runs out that we'll have lithium crystals to run our hovercrafts.
Qcmbr - Thanks for that report. I found it most enlightening.
I have recently been looking into the emergence of Gas to Liquid. This is a technology that turns trapped gas, which is normally burnt of to get to oil, into transportable gas. It can also be turned into sulfur free transport fuel. The cost of producing enough to replace oil runs into hundreds of billions for the initial set up. As your article points out, much of this work depends on oil.
There are some awesome investment opportunities mixed up in this but not much good if banks collapse!
I know nothing about the politics or science of this subject but I did have a recent experience regarding this.
I work in a central London location selling audio, home cinema and custom house systems to very wealth people. A lot of our customers are bankers, celebrities etc.
The experience I had was with a Canadian or American Banker who was purchasing a stand alone system from me. During the process of the sale you get to talk about all sorts of stuff with these people and as the environment is set out like a lounge and is very informal, people do relax and talk.
Anyhow this guy was very wealthy, at the top of his profession and extremely intelligent. But…and in his own words “because of my inside knowledge” he was running for the hills.
He was of the opinion that the world was on course for an oil disaster and that it as going to happen really soon. His key objective was to get out of the city where he foresaw anarchy and head for a rural retreat were he would be self sufficient, in his case someplace in Canada. He told me I should do the same. -
Can you imagine going back to the horse and buggy? Oxen to pull carts? Steam engines? No airplanes, so we'll be using cruise liners like the Titanic.
Someone will build something that will blow our minds just like when the "horseless buggy" blew the minds of the people back when cars first came out.