Are they being spiritually abused by the Watchtower Society?
Jehovah's Witnesses
by Honesty 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is the sky blue?And the sas part is...they are willing to be abused spiritually.
biloxi girl
Not only spiritually but physically,mentally and emotionally in some cases. And all in the name of Jehovah...wonder how he feels about that?
mark hughes
Hello Biloxi girl. Welcome.
Hi Mark, you have to be the poster closest to me on here depending which end of Hampshire you live in.
I don't know that you can spiritually abuse someone but I would say they are spiritually bullied by a book publishing corporation .The apostle Paul allowed for dissent but they will not tolerate it, they love to beat members over the head with the FDS doctrine like taking the seat of moses but they go a step further and want to be the christ , God and holy spirit, they even claim that they are the truth the way and the light of this world . They want unquestioning loyalty or they will create consequences .
Certainly. If physical abuse harms the body - what the WTS does harms the spirit and interferes with one's spiritual journey.
Depends entirely on how you define 'spiritually abused' and compared to what?
YES ! Lies are Abuse