Hi all ! Yesterday I was annonced as the Kingdom Hall : Genesis is no more a Jehovah Witness ! Im so glad I made it, but in the same time I have remorses, but thats a phenomenon called Homeostasis, the mind try to take things to normal... So I have so much things to plan,do think ! Woohoo I can think what I want and have my own opinions ! To everyone who have doubts : Its so good to be free to think, it worth all the efforts and pain to get out ! Im not coming from Satan and I want to be happy and make others happy ! Search and pray for, test your faith ! "And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free !" John 8:32 BTW thank you so much all here, you helped me by your discussions,answers and the love you showed toward each other, I love you people ! May God bless us all, Genesis (the Free version) ps: Ill stick around, I wont leave you brothers and sisters :D !
Woohoo, just been DF'ed !!!
by Genesis 28 Replies latest jw friends
Why'd u get DF'ed? if you dont mind me asking. I'm planning on just fading away, but in my wildest dreams i've often thought about bringing down a couple of witnesses along with me. (I said wildest dreams, lol). You dont seem to care that they did it, but is it cause of this "unrepentant" attitude that they did it?
So Happy for you enjoy your life and I hope you have many good friends
<doing the cabbage patch> Go Genesis - it's your birthday...well, your birthday of enjoying true freedom, anyway....
Post 15 of 15
since 22-Dec-05
19 y 5 m 20 d
From in the bOrg to out in only 15 posts, impressive!Congratualtions on having freedom of thought!
Welcome to your life!
Congratulations for going out of that destructive org at this young age you have your whole life ahead of you. It is leaving the org that is equivalent to leaving satan.
Glad to hear you've made a move that makes you happy! Free at last!
Genesis I am so happy for you. Mostly because you are seeing this in such a positive light. You won't let them run your life anymore.
May this be the beginning of new and wonderous things for you. I am so glad you plan to stick around as well. Its always nice to hear funny stories and of course opinions from others.
Now get out there and celebrate young man!