I've tried in the past to do the meditation with the CD, but I get distracted so darn easily
Me, too!, which is why I now do meditation in complete silence. I go upstairs, after telling family what I'm doing so they respectfully keep the noise down, light some incense, and then sit in front of my shrine for around an hour. You don't have to sit in a lotus position - I don't - but it is good to have some symetry. You can even sit on a chair, back as straight as possible, with arms resting on the arms of the chair. Be comfortable. Remember, you'll have good days meditating and bad days. Don't let the bad ones get you down. Just carry on and eventually you'll get there. Try to keep to the same time(s) each day, too, as your mind then gets prepared! Aim for at least an hour eventually, but build this up gradually from 15-20 minutes minimum. Take the 'phone of the hook if you have to!
.......By the way, how are YOU doing Ian?
I'm ok, thanks. I tend to post to the vigil threads about how I'm doing so as not to hi-jack threads like this
I believe Mozart is recommended as being best for mind problems. However, as mentioned, I wouldn't play music at all while meditating, only for relaxation or background noise.
Hope this helps!