Campaign - with credit to Schne_Belly

by MidwichCuckoo 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I did post this on Schne-Belly's thread - but thought more may read it as a new topic. Apologies if idea has already been posted.

    I think a good campaign would be for us to compose a 'standard' letter (maybe bullet points regarding certain issues, NGO - which the average JW is unaware of - child abuse, hypocricy of Mexico / Malawi stuff etc. with quotes from Watchtowers if need be, as they seem to carry more weight than the Bible does) and each of US to print off several copies and send to selected members of the local Congregation - the ones we know / remember as the Intelligent Thinkers. This should cause ripples somewhere.

    JW spend a lot of time trying to make 'us' aware of the shortcomings of other Relgions, yet know very little about their own. They feel that if they DO Witness and nobody listens, then at least they have tried. I feel the same. The majority of R&F know NOTHING of what is happening within the Organisation. By informing them, at least we will know we have tried...

  • greendawn

    It is a good idea, they put out a lot of propaganda that has to be neutralised by enlightening the JWs as to the real points at issue. The dubs have been conditioned to shut their minds towards anything they consider apostate but no doubt some will think: if we have the absolute truth why fear looking into what other people have to say?

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I hear what you're saying, and I agree somewhat greendawn. My point is that the WTBTS HIDES its ''infidelities'' (eg, NGO) and then lies and makes excuses to the members that do happen to find out. Sadly their escapades' never reach the average JW. I believe that everyon is ENTITLED to know what they are serving or worshipping. The WTBTS misrepresents itself to its members, and that isn't fair.

  • greendawn

    MWC surely the WTS presents an image and agenda to its members that differs wildly from the actual ones and we must enlighten the JWs on the issue, I just made a point that as part of their stragedy they have conditioned them to close their ears to the "apostate lies" but we must always try.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Yes - so to reach the average GENUINE JW is important. IF they chose to ignore 'apostate lies', that is their choice. BUT they should have a choice. Dubs in UK are far removed from what is happening in America I believe. They don't KNOW about the NGO thing so they are not in a position to choose.

  • inbyathread

    We could also include the latest feature in their high control policy program. HLC members getting access to medical records.

  • schne_belly

    Midwich Cuckoo -

    In total agreement. Getting something to current JW's is important.

    I'll also be working on a tri-fold brochure in Word format for distribution to the public. Also a Powerpoint presentation to show at local churches.

    I also have contact information for the local high-school liason officer, and school board members. (I know some of them personally) I will be giving copies to them. I would like to talk to them about cult information. Possibly even a presentation.

    My mother (on her way out) has her letter ready for the local newspaper as soon as she is df'd. I'll be sending mine in too.

    We've talked to all of our neighbors, workmates, and friends regarding JW's. This town has been blanketed - and we're not about to stop!

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Hmmm - wonder if there will be a letter read out to all Congregations soon that certain members will be 'targeted' by Apostates? Lol - I'm up for it if we can construct a well-informed but brief 'letter'.

  • blindersoff

    I like the idea. If a fader is concerned that suspicion might come their way, could someone else send them from a postmark far away after being supplied names & addresses? Preferably from a large city.


  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    WAY TO GO, Schne, I am planning something similar, I am going to send info about this Crappy Borganization to some freinds that are currently in the dark, anonymously of course (fader), if we can all free some minds from this cult we will have done a service to mankind.

    What do you think is going to happen when on service people start questioning the "brethren" about NGO, Malawi/Mexico etc.? I think that many JW's will at least begin wondering about some of this stuff.


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