I did post this on Schne-Belly's thread - but thought more may read it as a new topic. Apologies if idea has already been posted.
I think a good campaign would be for us to compose a 'standard' letter (maybe bullet points regarding certain issues, NGO - which the average JW is unaware of - child abuse, hypocricy of Mexico / Malawi stuff etc. with quotes from Watchtowers if need be, as they seem to carry more weight than the Bible does) and each of US to print off several copies and send to selected members of the local Congregation - the ones we know / remember as the Intelligent Thinkers. This should cause ripples somewhere.
JW spend a lot of time trying to make 'us' aware of the shortcomings of other Relgions, yet know very little about their own. They feel that if they DO Witness and nobody listens, then at least they have tried. I feel the same. The majority of R&F know NOTHING of what is happening within the Organisation. By informing them, at least we will know we have tried...