That's cool Rooster - it was a good point. By the way, welcome to the board!
by Rooster 33 Replies latest watchtower bible
That's cool Rooster - it was a good point. By the way, welcome to the board!
Yes, Rooster, and I agreed saying "it certainly seems so". All I am saying is if we would like such discoveries to make a really significant impact in our lives, it may be healthy to continue such eye-opening investigation further into what we believe now, rather than just in what we used to believe.
If something I say rings a bell -- fine. If not, well that's OK too. I'm not judging you. Just commenting is all.
according to Franz [CoC] the search for truth involves a 2/3rds majority of hand picked men who were not picked for their open mindedness but for their company line totting record of loyal service...hardly a search for anything but conformity it would seem
Rooster, I was in my forties as well when I began waking up to the truth about the truth. The focus for years has been all about the “organization” and not really on serving Jehovah and Jesus by living Christian lives. Was it always that way?
Russell was no saint and very likely a free mason and certainly an occultist but he was an angel compared to Rutherford and Franz. The JWs rejected most of his writings but the Bible students hold on to them.
certainly an occultist
I know there is some evidence that suggests he was a Freemason, and he was certainly into pyramidology, but an occultist? Come on...
according to Franz [CoC] the search for truth involves a 2/3rds majority of hand picked men who were not picked for their open mindedness but for their company line totting record of loyal service...hardly a search for anything but conformity it would seem
This "voting" was such a shock to me when I learned of it. I didn't discover it until I was on my way out. When making a declaration or a revelation---DOES the "holy spirit" need or expect a VOTE to enforce/enact the thought into law? Is it working in conjunction with civil law? The whole THING borders on the insane, IMHO.
Which brings me to the question----IS there "A" "truth", that can be substantially defined and agreed upon? (disregarding the blatherings coming from the WTS). I would have to say that personally---I may not "know" what "the truth" is in every context---but I sure as hell know what and where it is NOT.....with the total nonsense and gibberish of the WTS writing department/FDS/GB as the springboard and reference point.
Russell published and promoted a book containing the sayings of a demon as transmitted to a woman medium, he tried to justify it by claiming that this demon was repentant, but that's a shoddy excuse. To me it gives away his occultic connections.
Can you imagine a catholic religious leader publishing such a book?
What was the name of that book Greendawn? Can u provide me any links or direct me to any proof? Did he personally author the book?
The search for truth is a personal responsibility and sometimes the conclusions reached may not be the ones we had hoped for. It is sometimes easier to believe what we want to, rather than face reality. Reality is not always agreeable, but it is always truthful. There is truth in love. There is truth in the silent witness of nature, for it never lies, it simply is and always will be.
Life has chosen to live in you therefore you were worthy of life before you were born. I urge you never to surrender your birthright to gain the approval of those who claim that your right to life is dependent on membership of their club.
You have already been invited to the banquet of life and it is free. The only qualification required is that you are alive - and you are - wonderfully alive.
I hope that in your journey through life you find peace within yourself, for it is the hallmark of truth.
Taken from the book ‘Opening the Door to Jehovah’s Witnesses’ By Trevor Willis. Download available from