The Jensen Letters is the name given to a series of letters between an elder in the United States and the Watchtower Society, over the period 1998 to 2003, and neatly illustrate the plight of thinking Jehovah's Witnesses trying to make sense of the Society's blood policy.
They are remarkable in terms of both the incisive questions asked about critical aspects of the blood policy and the Society's incompetent attempts at 'spin' and sidestepping awkward issues. Even more remarkably, they conclude with the writer's letter of resignation as an elder!
One of my favorite Watchtower quotes is at the end of their reply to Brother Jensen's third letter:
[When making presentations to doctors, HLC brothers] often find it suffices to say that while individuals may not see the logic of a particular position or agree with our reasoning, we ask that they respect our religious position on this matter... This almost invariably absorbs any implicit demand that we explain what appear to be inconsistencies...
In other words, if a doctor points out the logical flaws or inconsistencies in the Society's policy, the HLC brothers are instructed to simply tell them to respect "our religious position on this matter," and the doctors almost invariably back off. Obviously the doctors have more respect for Jehovah's Witnesses than the Society has for them...
The Jensen Letters are long, but well worth the time to read them carefully. Get them from