My question how long do oy expect this Armageddon to last? How will you surivie if you run out of food and water than what?I gues everybody start learning how to plant a garden and learning how to preserve stuff.This is going to be a bumpy ride.
Pre Armageddon Preparation.
by Clam 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My ex was friends with a guy who stockpiled canned goods. My H tried to get me to do it too, and the thought of carrying all of those can's in our cellar wasn't too appealing to me, so I laughed at him and said, wouldn't Jehovah provide anyway? lol
So I was wondering How are the witness preparing for 2012 are they stockpile goods and materials for After Armageddon.If I ever survive that will be true He** on earth.Armageddon would probably be like the movie I am Legend goo movie by the way Will Smith is a good actor.