Maybe I missed it
by 2112 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Anyway, is oral sex between married people still a crime or not. My JW wife still refers to the 1985 article about marrage, that said it is.
What's the latest?
As it happens, I called Brooklyn on this very point a few months ago. The guy working the service department asked, "Is it fun?" I said, "Yeah!" He replied, "Then no, you can't do it."
No, seriously, I called them up (718-560-5000) and they said that the most recent info says that it's wrong. I didn't ask if it was "disfellowshipping" wrong or just "you can't pioneer" wrong, though.
It's wrong, it's not wrong, It's wrong, it's not wrong, It's wrong, it's not wrong, It's wrong, it's not wrong, It's wrong, it's not wrong, It's wrong, it's not wrong. I think the safe answer is it is not wrong if you don't tell anybody.
Maybe it's a personal decision...a matter of taste.....
This is a funny story...But not to the person it happened to!...LOL
I think it went this way...
There was a sister (I knew her) anyway I believe she had a bible study ask her about that (Oral sex) and since she was not sure and did NOT want to ask the elders she wrote a letter to bethel...well low and be hold they in turn sent the letter back and got two elders to go and 'talk' to her about her questions!
She said that she was so MAD and EMBRASSED that she didn't know what to do!
Someone call and ask if it's a DF offense now. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face.
This is very interesting. Going through the post the Elsewhere provided (thanks) I was not suprised that there were few scriptures quoted. I know there were a few, but none that directly addressed sex within marrage. Yes they say it all applies but in every case it is too vague to make that statement. I did notice this-
"wisely avoid practices that approach, or could easily lead one to fall into, unnatural forms of copulation." Ok let me follow this through, If I was dating a girl and we held hands, that could lead to hugging, then kissing, then touching etc. Would not the same apply within a marrage. If we hug, then kiss would we then have to jump into missionay position before we went too far? What is the axact line we can not cross. I'm not trying to be graphic here but is above the navel ok or is it above the neck, can I even look down there? They even said if homosexuals did it first we can't do it. Ok how do we know homosexuals did it first. When did the first homosexuals come to be, what if Adam and Eve did if first would it then be ok?
They keep saying it is gross and un-natural, and that it is unloving. If I want it and my wife wants it and we don't tell others what we dop in our bed. And if we both feel closer to eachother when we do it, how is that gross, un-natural and unloving? I love how the often ferer to 1 orr. to show how evil oral sex within a marrage is when it talks about a man having sex w/his fathers wife.
In 1978 they seemed to lighten up and even admited to not having scriptural support for their privious stance. But the that was just a flicker of the light swtich as in '81 the scriptural support came back. Maybe I will call and ask, not that I give a rats butt, however my wife does and we fight about their stupid rules a lot.
2112The last thing that I saw in print was from a 2002 "examine the scriptures daily" It talks about oral sex then makes the following statment....
Friday, February 22
Flee from fornication.
- 1 Cor. 6:18While sexuality is a gift from God, it is not to be expressed without restrain, even within the marriage arrangement......
The title of this bit was "Flee from fornication" so they are implying that oral sex with your married mate is indeed fornication. As long as you don't advocate it among the brothers and sisters they will leave you alone, however should you go around telling others that you engage in this and advocate it they will in fact bring you up on charges of fornication... yes you can fornicate with your own spouse is the message.
See this link for details....