by juni 34 Replies latest social entertainment

  • hippikon

    So the other 1/10th of the time its rape?

  • MsMcDucket

    Ok here's the flip-side. Do homosexual males cause men to seduce them?

  • stillAwitness

    Last week at my family study we were reading the scripture on being 'modest in dress' and my mother had the nerve to say that a woman who dresses provocatively and gets raped can't expect Jehovah's spriit to be upon her cause she was the one to provoke it.

    So I'm like 'in other words it was her fault. And she starts ramping and raving about how 'no, that's not what she means but a woman especially a jehovah's witness servant of jehovah should never wear low cut tops or short skirts cause that may intice a brother in the hall.

    My words: "So you're telling me that if a brother in the hall has a hard on because I'm apparently wearing a low cut top then its I that should be held accountable?

    My dad almost fell out of his seat and quickly told us we're moving on to the next paragraph.

    I don't think he wanted to be sitting on in a conversation where his youngest daughter has just utteredthe words: "hard on."

  • juni

    Thanks to all of you for your observations and personal experiences. Seems like the opinions are divided down the middle with women on one side and men on the other with a dash of humor thrown in.

    If a woman wants to dress immodestly, I don't feel that a man can say she made me do it. Where's the self-control and moral conscience?? Saying that a male adult can't control himself and acts out like a raging hormonal teenager is a cop out.

    One cop who gave talks to women on how to protect themselves against rape stated that every man is a potential rapist. I felt that was an unfair statement. I feel like there are good men who have set moral values for themselves and choose not to cross the line even though the temptation is there. Juni~~~~~~~~~

  • crabbyGabby

    Somewhat related to the "hard on" comment: the first time I remember discussing anything like sex with Dad (a lapsed Catholic) was when we were watching TV about two years ago, and an ED-drug commercial came on. You know, the kind that has the warning, "If you have an erection for more than 4 hours, seek medical attention immediately. Dad says (paraphrasing, here), "If I had an erection for 4 hours, I'd be jumping for joy!" Even though I was somewhat embarrassed, I laughed. My husband liked his comment, too.

  • sixsixsixtynine
    Are you sure the PO didn't say that women seduced nine men outta ten,

    and he felt left out

    Cause he was Pizzed O ff

    Cause he was the tenth man that didn't make the cut.

    LOL! So true.

    That reminds me of a joke:

    Q: What's the difference between a bitch and a slut?

    A: A slut sleeps with everyone, a bitch sleeps with everyone but you!

  • wednesday


    Dad says (paraphrasing, here), "If I had an erection for 4 hours, I'd be jumping for joy!" Even though I was somewhat embarrassed, I laughed. My husband liked his comment, too.

    lol my hubby and I have said same thing.- who writes those commercials? Remember the one for cialis with the tire swing and someone throwing a football threw the hole? (how graphic do we really need to be here?) That one got too many complaints, (it was offensive to many ) they finally took it of the air, or at least they did down here in the Bible belt. There is smiling Bob for the enzyte product. That product , btw, works.

  • calico

    Years ago I went to the elders because my father-in-law had made advances toward me--the very first question was "what were you wearing"? By the end of that meeting, I had thrown my bible at them!

  • greendawn

    In the world the stereotype is the the other way round, it's men that always have sexual urges and are on the prowl for women. Surely enough some women are seductresses but it's mostly men that pursue.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    It's amazing how fast loose and debasing women take offense. ;-) (ducking)

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