In 1984 when Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom came out, a group of about 10 of us in the hall went to see it. This was a very small congregation and the resident holier-than-thou pioneer found out we went. The next day was Sunday and I was reading for the WT study, which was about, appropriately enough, avoiding worldly influences such as 'bad' entertainment. Well, she was prepared. She proceeded to launch into a 5-minute (literally, 5-minute) comment on how NO true Christian would ever see this movie or view this as entertainment. She also read an entire movie review that discussed the movie's violence and spiritism and described the 'heart removal' scene in detail. I guess she didn't realize that to the 30 people in the hall who had NO idea why she was giving this mini-public talk that she looked like a total idiot......
The Watchtower Study: The one way to make your views publicly known
by sir82 12 Replies latest jw friends
I remember a woman who would rant on about the evils of Pac Man when she answered during the WT study. This she said every_single_time_she_answered, and it rarely had anything at all to do with the WT question. Her explanations of why the game was evil made no sense at all.
One of her grandchildren liked to play Pac Man and he lived with her, so it was in her control to stop him from playing the game. Instead she ranted on about it at the meetings, "without mentioning any names". She would resist the elder from interrupting her too; she'd just talk until the mic was taken from her. Everyone would laugh their heads off.
My wife and I lived on an island and we decided to take the later boat home one Friday so we could catch part of a free outdoor concert in Auckland. Before the main act came on we had to get going. Just after we left there was a riot and shop windows got smashed and the police were abused etc.
Sunday morning and I'm reading the Watchtower and the WT conductor, at some opportune moment, goes into a spiel about how you wouldn't want to be brother who had gone to a rock concert because of the chance of stumbling someone if you got caught up in a riot! Subtle!
Afternote: This elder, after studying with a young couple and their 2 little kids decides to poke the wife and elope to a tropical island. Comes back with their child and gets re-instated! He's the sort of guy who'd be lurking here now. He knows who I am. His darling wife found somebody who cares for her in Oz.