I have nothing planned other than relax.
What are you going to do this weekend....?
by xjwms 13 Replies latest jw friends
I have nothing planned other than relax.
What are you going to do this weekend....?
Going to catch up on some much needed rest. Just got a spankin' brand new CPAP machine to help alleviate the strains of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. It's off to lala land for me. Haven't been able to sleep this good in about 10 years.
I have'nt been sleeping good for about 2 years.
Is this something I could use?
Thx, xjwms. You, too.
I'm celebrating this weekend.
Buttlight and I...are going to Chicago/Elgin!
I am scared to be alone with her!
I have to be at a dance class by 9am tomorow, followed by a visit to a friends house, then home to do the usual house work, Sunday we are swimming, its busy busy busy
xjwms, do you snore? Does your mate complain about you're snoring? Are you mild to moderately overweight? Do you wake up with headaches? Is there pain in the back of your throat? If so, you may be suffering from complications due to sleep apnea.
So, I plan on spending time with an old friend that is coming into town. Arrowstar may visit and I have three photo shoots. Homework due, one child has a school event, and one has a birthday party to attend. Somewhere in there I need sleep. lol
Snore...yes overweight...a little, .. and I am working on that right now
No pain in the throat, .. upper and lower pain in the back.