I went and submitted a post (a reply) to someone on Rado Vlugel's (spelling???) site. It was FUN...hehehehehe....(and truthful!)
by DannyHaszard 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I went and submitted a post (a reply) to someone on Rado Vlugel's (spelling???) site. It was FUN...hehehehehe....(and truthful!)
Okay, I'm definitely in. See my latest blog, an open letter to the medical community and to their legal departments, re: the Louderback-Wood Misrepresentation article at:
Thanks for all the great info. Can you suggest any more user-friendly weblog sites that are easy on old-fart computers? Mine is infuriatingly slow at Yahoo!360.
Also, I tried pingoat and was blacklisted on my first attempt to advertise the blog above. Any suggestions? I've contacted the pingoat forum already. Thanks! -TJ
Also, I tried pingoat and was blacklisted on my first attempt to advertise the blog above.
Danny has been automatically blacklisted half a dozen times,and just resubmitted it's a hiccup clitch,as soon as i post this i will submit your blog myself from my IP and will do so once a day. In the 12 step programs they exhort to,"chase your recovery ( AA sobriety) like you chased your addiction". People who have active addictions will sometimes do anything to get their next 'fix'! With the same level of resolve we should rally to recover from our damaged lives.Think of how much time and money we put into being active cult members,now how much effort to put up a blog as our testimonial to the 'truth about the truth'? ----------------- BATTER the BORG with BLOGS all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men/women to do nothing-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine
http://images.google.com/images?q=dannyhaszard.com&hl=en&btnG=Search+Images image source to you get started
Don't know what to put up for content?
If you need images or content for your blog I authorize anyone to use ANYTHING form my numerous websites and blogs images,files,anything cut n' paste and use my bandwidth too. www.dannyhaszard.com
If we had a hundred blogs up the WT hacks would be in deep trouble.They are free and work for you 24/7 as the world turns on it's axis in all time zones,yes even while you are getting your beauty sleep.
Blogs allow for an average of 4 links be sure to link to JWD http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/default.ashx and Freeminds http://www.freeminds.org and your personal favorite links
Modblog not your favorite complaints of slow server try some of these host below:
http://jehovahwitness.blogstream.com/ blogstream
Mycool http://bloggercrab.com/blogs/JehovahWitness/
http://www.weblogpage.com/JehovahWitness/ weblog
blogspot Randy Watters blog
http://jehovahwitness0.tripod.com/ Tripod really cool templates
http://jehovahwitness.motime.com/ motime
http://www.dablogs.com/?u=JehovahsWitnesses dablogs
BATTER the BORG with BLOGS all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men/women to do nothing-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine
I did find this though:
Hope it is okay to post it.
Promote your blog
What is the use of having a blog and nobody is reading it? That's why you need to promote you weblog. Let people know that you are here on the internet with a great blog! The only way to do this is promoting your blog. So take a little time for this because it is very important. First thing you do of course is letting family and friends know that you have your own great blog!
How to promote your blog ?
Get listed in search engines specially made for blogs. These websites list your blog on their site so you will be exposed to a lot of potential readers. This takes a little time but this is very effective, if more websites have a link to your site this means other search engines like google think that you have made a popular site so they place your blog on top of their search engines results. you find a list of blog promotion websites below on this page.
RSS feed
Also make sure search engines for blogs know the URL of your rss feed. An rss feed is a url with a piece of code. If people place this url on their site they automatically see the headlines of your most recent topics on their own site or in their rss reader program. You can get an rss feed url when you are logged in your blog control panel. They also know when your site is updated automatically. Letting people know your blog is updated can also be done here:
http://www.ping-o-matic.com (use this every time you updated your blog, ping function is also available in your blog control panel)
Websites where you can promote your blog:
This is one of the most complete website there is for promoting your blog! On this website you find links to all the websites where you can promote your blog. If you take the time to submit the link to your blog on all the websites listed on the following website be prepaired to tons of visitors !
Blog optimization suggestions
1http://www.pingoat.com/ PINGOAT (goodie)
2 http://www.bloxster.net/how_to_promote_your_blog.php
3. Submit your site to blog submission sites:
Blogarama - http://www.blogarama.com/index.php?show=add
Blogwise - http://www.blogwise.com/submit
BlogSearchEngine -
4. Use Invite a Friend to tell everyone about your blog
5. User Buddy Blogs with other Blogster
6. Comment on other blogs often provision is made to auto link back to yours
I have a blog, though I generally don't write much about the jw religion.
Yes, SKally. Thanks for putting that up from freewebs. I'm using that now and advertising it all over the place. It should be "crawling" within 24 hours. Thanks again, Danny. I've been going all over the net with my stuff, very slowly, though. -TJ