I'm sorry folks, but the oil.crash man is considered a nutter in this here part of the world. He belongs to the Let's-find-yet-something-else-to-become-apocalyptic about. He would probably be insulted, but he is very JW-ish in outlook. Bor-ing.
"Civilization as we know it is coming to an end soon", documented...
by one 25 Replies latest jw friends
I'm not bothered. Mr Frass is a peak oil believer, I actually think it would be a healthy thing for most consumers to have to deal with; shortages. Our country might not even actually cope, but it's doing it's best to prepare, by taking control of what oil is left. It's a pretty simple formula though. Economic theory works when resources are limitless. At some point in the future we'll have to deal with our favourite one running out, maybe in ten years, maybe in our grandchildren's lifetime. Yes I'm a little peeved at having come out of one apocalyptic belief system to be exposed to another. If it happens while we're alive, we'll move to the farm where everything already runs on wind and solar. Do the planet a favour; switch your lightbulbs to compact fluorescents.
the go to war thing and just take the oil sounded good. at least we would have plenty for a few more years. but alternative means of energy isnt even in our congressmens minds much less the senators, they are too worried about getting their asses reelected.
Know how you can save civilization, prevent terrorism, starve OPEC, increase living standards, provide energy security
and knock the heck out of the trade deficit?
Invent one really good battery!
One really good battery - that was efficient, safe, reasonably priced and extremely energy dense would change everything!
Currently, electrical generation capacity all over the world is going to waste because there's almost nothing to do with that capacity
at 2 or 3 am! Electric cars ( with really good range) would sell like hotcakes because they would cost so little to operate.
We don't have a really effective way to store lots of energy in a small package except for oil and nuclear power.
Change that - and everything else changes too.
Like I mentioned before, "end-of-the-world" theorists overshadow an important fact: and that is that there is a problem with oil supply and demand. The problem with the supply is that yeilds of existing fields and discoveries of new ones is diminishing at an alarming rate. And the problem with the demand is that although prices are high enough in most european countries to curb demand there, gas taxes have not increased in the USA in decades - and that is just the American problem. China's demand is not satiated, so the normal laws of supply and demand are not applying here as they do traditionally. Only time will tell the effects of this energy crisis, but surely the way to deal with it is not to disregard important info just because some of the proponents of Peak Oil are a little over-the-top.
surely the way to deal with it is not to disregard important info just because some of the proponents of Peak Oil are a little over-the-top.
Like all the concerns people have had about warnings in the past have made one scrap of difference!
We spend our lives bellyaching about what lies around the corner and, when the corner comes, wow! unrealised solutions and directions present themselves. Perhaps the desperate situation will finally make viable "electricity-fuelled" vehicles. When that becomes economically viable, watch out.
In the 19th Century, a common concern was the availability of coal to fuel locomotives. Now, coal is way past its heyday and new transportation worries are here. Who can forget the dire warnings about impending world famine. Then, unexpectedly, GE made possible drought-resistant crops! New directions - all unforeseen.
Whether the doom merchants are over the top or under it, I'm sure about one thing: How very easily manipulated into fear and angst people are.