Circut Assembly 2006 Notes, Part 2

by drew sagan 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    Is it just me that dreaded the symposiums? It's not like you get outta there sooner if they present the material differently, but it's hard to feel like you're progressing when the talks keep starting and ending, but you're still on the same part.

    It's all a word game, I'm sure, but it used to really bug me. A 3-part part. *shudder* I'd usually need to walk around the building a bit when they fired these bad boys up.


  • willyloman
    Then why would we stop coming to meetings and "divorce" ourselves from Jehovah because somebody wronged us at the kingdom hall.

    What if the party that "wronged" you was the organization itself?

    See how carefully they spin their words?

    The WTS acknowledges many are leaving the KH but suggests these people are reacting to hurtful things imposed by other members of the flock. This steers the discussion completely away from the reality, which is that the organization is the guilty party because of its empty philosophy and deception and that people are really leaving because of it.

    Note how they suggest the wronged ones "divorce" themselves not from the organization but from Jehovah. Here's what they want you to conclude: the people who run this organization are God.

  • cyber-sista

    thanks drew for keeping us up to date...


    We don't stop the ministry because of congregation problems. Keep looking for sheep.

    Interpretation: Even if the people in your hall are mean and rotten, keep pushing that Watchtower literature! People will love coming into our holy, clean organization anyhow.

    In the 20 years I was in the Org I never brought anyone in. Though not wanting to admit it at the time I think I was embarrassed to. The last congo I was in was uninspiring and the JWs in there had some very bad personality problems--most of the families were majorly disfunctional. Besides that the WT message was dull and ignorant. So I never pushed it with anyone. I guess I was never a very good JW.

    So one brother left because he had stopped studying? What about all those who study hard and then decide the WT is bogus. When I was forced into looking into the bound volumes and doing some indepth study because of the situation that was thown at me in the congo. It really opened my eyes.

    They pretend to encourage personal study, but then keep everyone so busy with the JW routine there is really no time for it or most already feel so saturated with the teaching they can't think about doing anything extra besides: the 5 meetings a week, family study, study for the WT, study for service meeting and minestry school along with preparation of meetings parts, preparation for field service, going out in field service--field service meetings--yes, and bible reading too--forgot the daily text and magazine reading too. Then there is travel to and from the meeting, lots of time spent dressing up and getting ready for meetings--and assemblies too. Did I forget anything? And, those who are elders have their extra meetings too.

    No wonder I was always exhausted. The routine is a grueling one and especially for those who have other things to do in life such as working and caring for their families. I tried for 20 years and I could never keep up. I don't think the average person can. I think the average JW is overwhelmed and if they ever stopped and had time to think or really do any personal study they might come to conclusions that the WT would rather they didn't


  • willyloman

    cyber-sista's observations about the treadmill dubs are kept on is astute and right on the mark. That's clearly their plan.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    If JWs paid attention to the teaching from "GOD" they would "GET OUT FROM AMONG THEM!"----meaning, get away from the WTB&TS.

    Simple enough!

  • LDH
    3.Entertainment. Satan has made unclean things mainstream.

    Yes, because God knows SEX is new and has never been exploited before now!!!!!!

    Strippers got nothing on Israelites getting it on at an orgy in front of a gold bull......

  • moshe

    My wife and I put our six year old daughter to bed at at 8pm- no exceptions during the week. When my two grown children were that age 20 years ago they were being dragged to the KH on tuesdays and thursday nights. Sometimes these gradeschool age children did not get to bed until after 10pm beause of those KH meetings. For an organization that is supposed to value familes it's no wonder their children have problems. All this constant study of WT literature is just a bunch of kaka and keeps the JW from admitting to himself the real truth-"I am not happy" & " I want to leave".



  • LDH
    Sometimes these gradeschool age children did not get to bed until after 10pm beause of those KH meetings.

    Tuesdays and Thursdays here, too. Especially when your dad is an elder and has an impromptu elders meeting leaving the rest of the elder's families chit chatting in the main hall, while the "sinner" receives counsel.

    Many nights not until midnight.

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