My best friend in the whole world left for BC today, thats the other side of canada from me!! It was so sad to say goodbye at the airport ,we both tried to talk but were crying to hard, but shes only gone for five months, I'm actually waiting to talk to her right now, so i thought I'd kill some time and post about my sadness lol. My mom(legolas) called me and could tell i was upset and invited me over, it was nice and it actually made me feel better to not think about it, we had a great discussion about the lies in the JW religion and she gave me the Ray Fronz book. I'm going to take a look at it, should be good....annnnyway I'll stop babbling now, night all
what a bad day
by lucifer 13 Replies latest jw friends
Aw, I'm sorry you're sad! It's hard to say good-bye even if it's only for a short time.
I like your avatar -- "Desiree" is one of my favorite books. The movie was good too -- Marlon Brando did a pretty decent job as Napoleon. I think it's fascinating to know that today's Swedish royal family is descended from the silk merchant's daughter from Marseilles who nearly married Napoleon.
thanks cruzan...I never read or saw the book, only heard the song lol, my name is Desiree thats why i picked the av, plus i like the pic
This book will open your eyes ! Ray Franz is very Trustworthy and his book is well writen and without anger toward the Society. Good reading, Genesis ps: In which province do you live ?
Genesis, I was talking about "Desiree," a historical novel about the life of Queen Desideria of Sweden, who was a silk merchant's daughter from Marseilles. She was engaged to Napoleon I, before he became ruler of France, and then married Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, who was adopted by the King of Sweden to bring new blood to the dynasty. The book was written by Annemarie Selinko and translated from Swedish into English years ago. Marlon Brando and Jean Simmons played the roles of Napoleon and Desiree in the movie version, which was made in the 1950's.
I'm from PEI, i went to quebec for the international assembly a few years ago though, beautiful place
Oops, my mistake...I hope you wont tell the elder lol. Genesis
It would be a cold day in hell when a elder talked to me again lol I'm da'd
I'm from PEI, i went to quebec for the international assembly a few years ago though, beautiful place
Well, I am from Quebec (Montreal) and I vacationed in PEI a few years ago... it is beautiful there too!! The red rocky beaches are something else!
PEI is awesome in the summers, loads of tourists and things to do, but during the winter it is sooo boring, like a ghost town