The dictionary defines Apostate as "One who practices apostasy, to revolt". Doesn't this apply to just about anyone? JW's wanted us to think that the word has more meaning into it then it really does. When I was a child my father and others would make me think that they were some kind of monsters that would suck out our holy spirit. I remember seeing them at large conventions and being so scared that I wouldn't let go of my father. It was a bad as the boggy man under my bed. Is this who we are? I don't think so. We are the light at the end of the tunnel. So, tell me what are some better names besides apostate.
What is the meaning of Apostate?
by NiecyMe 20 Replies latest jw experiences
"Independent Thinker" is a good one, since the Watchtower hates it and the rest of the world sees it as a good thing. Everybody wins!
I like "Conscientious Objector" m'self
"Independent Thinker" is a good one, since the Watchtower hates it and the rest of the world sees it as a good thing.
Lol..right on. How about "Critically Independent Thinker".
I wonder how the WT began to apply 'apostate' to former members, and when. Personally, the label doesn't bother me. Like you, I grew up in the 'truth' thinking that apostates were nothing but lying, bitter former members who had an axe to grind. I never once considered that they were more truthful than the organization I was serving. I wasn't scared of them, but I mocked them and felt sorry for them that they had let Satan persuade them to leave the only God approved organization on earth.
I remember when you'd be talking to your friends and someone would say "Did you hear about so and so? He's an apostate now." And a hush would fall across the group. They could fornicate, steal, lie, cheat - do just about anything and it would not have been as bad as being called the 'a' word. That's so funny now.
I was told by a close friend who is still associated with the 'truth' and some of my former friends and family that word has 'leaked out' that I'm an apostate. I'm crushed, let me tell ya.......
The word apostate does not even appear in the New Testament. The term apostasy does, but does not refer to individuals that turn against the WTS for the scripture says
(2 Thessalonians 2:3) 3
Let no one seduce YOU in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. . .
The WTS makes it seem like it is one of the major teachings of Jesus, so I was shocked to find that this yet another part of their loaded language without true scriptural support.
Welcome Niecyme, I just read your profile. It is a unique experience breaking from from the clutches of the WTS, and very hard to get over being an exJW. Talking on this site will really help so hope to see a lot more of you.
"Independent Thinker" is a good one
Yes I like that one. Tell me: are you an Independent Thinker or are you a Jehovah's Witness?
- deserter: a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
not faithful to religion or party or cause - Apostasy (Greek ap?, apo, "away, apart", stas??, stasis, "standing") is the formal renunciation of one's religion. In a technical sense as used by sociologists without the sometimes pejorative connotations of the word, the term refers to renunciation and criticizing one's former religion. An old, narrow definition of this term refers to baptized Christians who leave their faith. ...
- deserter: a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
For an individual to be an apostate he/she would have to rebel against teachings based upon the bible as outlined by Christ or His apostles! Thus the man of lawlessness is revealed in the WTBTS.