There was a famous photograph.
It had Lenin and Stalin in it. Equal partners in the glorious revolution that overthrew the Czar and established
a "worker's paradise" in Russia. The beginning of a brave new world.
Later, Lenin fell out of favor as he saw what Stalin was up to. Lenin died.
The photograph....what of the photograph?
It changed!
Subsequent printings proved beyond a shadow of a doubt (photographic doubt) that there was no Lenin at all. It was, you see, only STALIN who was the valiant hero of the revolution.
Seeing is believing.
Communists became dedicated to preserving the history of their wonderful progress by eliminating people and documents which got in the way of the.............myth........of history.
History, you see, is what the party wished for it to be. What history "really" was---became irrelevent.
Honest men who had been fooled spoke out.
They told the truth about what evils were being perpetrated in the name of socialist doctrine. These men and women were labeled ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
These apostates to truth were ostracized, shunned, arrested and shipped off to gulags, labor camps and vanished into a vacuum of silence.
Once in a great while somebody like Alexander Solzhenitsyn exposed the lies, the sham, the destructive iron grip of the administration to public view. A book would be written such as THE GULAG ARCHEPELAGO that detailed the crimes against humanity committed by the communist part elite in the name of "social justice".
The book would be decried, of course. But, damage control ensued.
Decay ate away at the lying, conniving malefactors who pretended to represent truth and justice in Soviet Socialist Russia.
And one day...............
quite unexpectedly.................
the Evil Empire fell with a resounding thud and it was no more.
It all started with trying to cover up the lies by eliminating books and photographs and by twisting what had really happened.
The fate of the Watchtower Bible and Tract society mirrors this exactly, in my view.