My Crazy Mother learns a lesson

by RichieRich 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    Yesterday (Monday) I was off school and work, and I told my mother I would go out in service.

    So monday morning I got up, got dressed, drove to the hall, and there was no one there. I fell asleep in my car while I waited, woke up to wave at a brother, then fell back asleep, and then woke up, looked around and left. I went straight back home.

    Then, later on that day, i told mom what happened. She seemed to understand.

    Apparently, she called some sister whose husband was supposed to be out, and asked where he was. He said he had been at the hall, but didn't get there until 30 minutes late (i was gone by then).

    So for some reason, my mother, in a blind rage, convinced herself that I somehow lied to her about going to the hall.

    So she decided I shouldn't be driving for a while. So, i can't drive until Saturday.

    This is a fairly large obstacle as I have exams this week, on top of having to work 3 nights as well.

    Then, with a smug look on her face, she demanded to know how I planned to get where I needed to go. I told I'd find a way. So I picked up my phone, and called a good friend of mine from school. I put him on speaker phone, and my mother listened in horror as he told it was NO PROBLEM.

    She was shocked, that someone who wasn't linked to me through the Society would dare help me.

    I know this is just a rant, as I'm pretty pissed, but It was a lesson to my mother, that I have a life outside the borg, and that I can survive.

    ::: whistles "I can survive":::


  • Billygoat


    My parents were also amazed at how many of my worldly friends came to my aid when I was kicked out of the house. One of them helped move me with only a few hours notice! Both of my parents were worldly before joined da Troof as adults, so I guess I can't understand why they find this so shocking. I know they remember being decent people before joining the bOrg. I know they remember having decent friends. Weird.

    Anyways, I'm glad you have people outside of there to rely on. If I had extra money, I'd get you a car. It might only be a jalopy, but something to drive that was your own.



  • RichieRich
    Anyways, I'm glad you have people outside of there to rely on. If I had extra money, I'd get you a car. It might only be a jalopy, but something to drive that was your own.

    No need for that. But Thanks.

    I guess since my mother was raised in the truth, she always tended to demonize worldly people in her mind.

    So i'm glad that she learned a lesson. On the other hand, I'm still mad.

  • Legolas

    Why did she think you lied?

    She had the wife admit that the guy was late!

    What am I missing?

  • RichieRich
    Why did she think you lied?

    She had the wife admit that the guy was late!

    What am I missing?

    That's the problem, she just got pissed, dissed out punishment, and wouldn't talk.

  • freedomlover

    good god, Richie...

    she sounds just like my mom and stepdad. they would just go off in a rage and dish out unfair punishments!

    that's awesome that your friend is helping you out.

  • Emma

    Your mom's in a cult. That would have been me ten years ago; it didn't have to make sense. I can't believe the person I used to be. No wonder I was so unhappy. I can't imagine it any more; my friends can't begin to imagine the person I was then; it bears no resemblance to who I am. Wouldn't it be nice to know who your mom would be if she weren't part of the wts.

    I'm sorry for the way you were treated but glad you have real friends.

  • Elsewhere

    Where else will ya go? Simple! A friend.

  • prophecor

    Feelin' for you as you endure the psycho-wars with your mom. Parents can be particularly difficult, intentionally, but especially parents who are JDubs. Good to know you have a reserve of friends and associates outside of the walls of the KH.

  • carla

    That's it! Kill her with the kindness of strangers and us evil worldlies. (kill her with kindness is only an expression, I of course mean no harm to your mom) Like my mom is always saying, you catch more flies with honey. yeah, yeah, try and live with it mom. (of course she's right though)

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