an infuriating email forward re. atheism..

by GetBusyLiving 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Smiles_Smiles

    GBL - sorry you got so annoyed. Breathe and G-B-L.

    Tommy will grow up a confused little boy but as he becomes a man he will find his way just like the rest of us. I think we all have a BS meter inside of us ... we just have to get to the point in life where we listen to it.

    Besides ... who says one has to be right and another wrong. Can't both exist.

  • Seeker4

    A dumb story that will only appeal only to people with an abnormally low level of critical thinking skills.

    Even when I was a JW, a story like this just turned my stomach. It is so unacceptably trite and stupid, even for a scriptural literalist like the JWs.


  • manicmama

    The fact remains that science can prove that the teacher has a brain by a simple cat scan, however God is a matter of faith. We simply chose what we chose to believe but science proves beyond a shadow of a doubt.


  • TallTexan

    Settle down, Beavis.....<smack>

    Seriously. Why are you guys so upset? I work in a Catholic hospital and these sappy made up emails are passed around and posted every day. It lets people feel good about something they believe in. Most of you on this thread obviously believe in evolution. Obviously some people don't. Getting upset and railing on them for doing something that brings them a little happiness, regardless of how stupid you may think it is, won't change them, their behavior, or the way they look at things. Just like trying to convince most JW's that they are misled. They'll pass around stories about "Jehovah's blessing" on the preaching work, and how college ruins every Witness that goes, etc.

    These little stories about how little Sally or little Jimmy explain the existance of the world with one statement are rediculous sure, but to the people that believe them and find them inspiring, well...we should let them have that....

    End of sappy post.....

  • Saoirse
    I am a Christian that believes God has used evolution to create this world. I do not understand why more Christians find Christianity and evolution difficult to bridge. It doesn't seem that difficult.

    Same here. I don't see anything wrong or unscriptual about evolution. I think the fear of evolution just stems from ignorance.

    GBL, don't let some stupid email ruin your day. There are people out there who love those sappy little stories and think that everyone else loves them too. I doubt it was a personal attack. When I get garbage like that I just delete it. If one person is constantly sending you stuff like that, just ask them not to do it anymore. Tell them you already have too much in your inbox.

    I hate forwarded emails and chain letters.

  • Gopher

    Originally posted by TallTexan:

    Seriously. Why are you guys so upset? I work in a Catholic hospital and these sappy made up emails are passed around and posted every day. It lets people feel good about something they believe in.

    The tone of the e-mail was offputting, implying that those who don't believe exactly the way they do are brainless. Ha, ha. Very funny.

    I know there's nothing we can do -- people will continue to spout narrow-minded views filled with insults like this. The original poster is not alone at being a bit irritated at such narrow-mindedness.

  • wanderlustguy

    Infuriating? No.

    But to be fair there are excellent arguements for both Athiesm and a belief in God. People seem to be very good at convincing themselves they are right regardless of the side of this issue they are on, when in fact they have no real idea what the real truth is, nor do I. I think this is also why people are so passionate about expressing their beliefs...if they can convince others then it makes them correct, or "more correct". The only way any of us is ever going to know more than anyone else about this is when we take the dirt my opinion.

    I do agree though, it is the most senseless analogy I've ever seen to promote a belief in God, there are much better ones.

    Just for the record, I'm agnostic.

  • Mary
    Billygoat said: I am a Christian that believes God has used evolution to create this world. I do not understand why more Christians find Christianity and evolution difficult to bridge. It doesn't seem that difficult.

    That's basically how I feel. You know what I find really interesting about the whole evolution/creation thing? Ask any 10 year old kid who goes to the Hall when the dinasaurs died out and they'll tell you "..65 million years ago.." thanks to seeing Jurassic Park. The first time this happened, we had taken 8 kids from the Hall to see that movie and about a week later, I asked them this question and they responded as above. What I find most mind boggling is I've never heard a Witness parent correct their kid when they say this!

  • GetBusyLiving

    LOL - this is a revised edition of the email written by my never - JW buddy to the forwarder of the original message. Tommy's response. Hilarity.


    One day a 6 year old girl was sitting in a classroom. The teacher was going

    to explain evolution to the children. The teacher asked a little boy: Tommy

    do you see the tree outside?

    TOMMY: Yes.

    TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the grass outside?

    TOMMY: Yes.

    TEACHER: Go outside and look up and see if you can see the sky.

    TOMMY: Okay. (He returned a few minutes later) Yes, I saw the sky.

    TEACHER: Did you see God up there?

    TOMMY: No.

    TEACHER: That's my point. We can't see God because he isn't there. Possibly

    he just doesn't exist.

    A little girl spoke up and wanted to ask the boy some questions.

    The teacher agreed and the little girl asked the boy: Tommy, do you see the

    tree outside?

    TOMMY: Yes.

    LITTLE GIRL: Tommy do you see the grass outside?

    TOMMY: Yessssss!

    LITTLE GIRL: Did you see the sky?

    TOMMY: Yessssss!

    LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the teacher?

    TOMMY: Yes

    LITTLE GIRL: Do you see her brain?

    TOMMY: No

    LITTLE GIRL: Then according to what we were taught today in school,

    she possibly may not even have one!


    Don't forget to pass this on! I love this one. Everyone should

    send this to everyone they know, especially today with prayer

    restricted in schools.

    Forward if you believe in GOD!!!!

    TOMMY's Rebuke: I really don't think the stupid bitch has a brain now that

    I've had a moment to reason through her weak analogy. She really sort of

    irritates me with her insipid nature, and the fact that she's so sure that

    there is no Divine Creator, even though she lacks the mental agility to

    prove it. Why are my parent's tax dollars used to brainwash me into this

    mindless crap rather than learning something that may help me to learn how

    to cope in the tangible world around me when I grow up and begin to realize

    the harsh realities of life?

    As for you, you mindless little twat, the fact that your parents needs to

    cling so desperately to archaic, ill thought out folk-tales thought up by a

    group of underdeveloped Neanderthals regarding both our creation and our

    very purpose in life makes me sad for you. This sadness turns to anger when

    I realize that you are trying to push your naive views on me. I'm just a

    child, and rely on responsible teaching methods in order to develop into a

    well rounded, healthy adult. Frankly, I find the fact that you and your

    parents believe that we, or more importantly I, will never grow to take

    responsibility for my own actions, and make the best of any situation I will

    face in the duration of my lifetime rather offensive.

    Those of us in the class who lack the ability to think or reason for

    ourselves may be brainwashed by both of our wretched mental crutches, but

    some of us may actually be "Saved" in knowing that the answers will continue

    to elude us because we are far to inferior to comprehend creation, and thus,

    should leave well enough alone until, if ever, we have evolved to a point

    that allows us to truly understand. In short, fuck you both, I'm going to

    go outside and play.


  • AlmostAtheist

    See you in Hell, TommyBoy. I'll keep an eye for ya'.

    (LOL @ GBL)


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