we began as one. we are still one. we have not come to that knowledge yet. when we do, life will be exponentially more enjoyable for all living things.
we are one
by joelbear 14 Replies latest jw friends
I totally agree - I wish it were so in practice
when we do, life will be exponentially more enjoyable for all living things.
Or so we would hope and most often assume.
Joel, some of us know it!
I guess I might say a bit more... the path of return is one we all take, one way or another. A resolution of duality seems to be imminent. However, to attribute it with some sort of "heavenly" happy-making qualities might be a mistake, just as it may be to assume you go to heaven when you die. In fact, we may just... die.
What do you mean we started as one?
It's easy as humans to think of ourselves as more highly-evolved than, say, a dung beetle. But truth is, we're ALL highly evolved. Evolution is only trying to make the best YOU it can make.
We're not only all one -- the beetle, the man, the tree -- but we're all the best of the best of the best. We share the planet with the absolute cream of the crop.
Pretty sweet deal!
at the "big bang" we were all part of the same matter and we still are. now that we have evolved to the point that we can understand this, humanity is slowly coming to this knowledge, actually not that slowly.
100 years ago, slavery was common, now it would be looked upon as evil. that in itself is a huge step. the women's movement in the western world is another great leap, thank you ladies.
we are getting there and its gonna be great.
i agree with almost, that non-humans have to fit into this equation also.
What is your concept of 'we' then? I can understand the idea of matter existing forever but the part I consider 'me' isn't neatly summed up as 'stardust' in my mind. It also makes the assumption of a big bang - an essential singleness at some past point - an idea that is currently not agreed. Science is guessing what that 'one' could even be. I can dig the idea of unity but I'll bet we all disagree about what to unify around - unfortunately we can't agree on a core.