Here the latest gem I've found from a JW message board.
Under the topic "Afraid this board will become Apostate" the moderator writes:
This is one of my greatest worries and so I am a over protecter of this site and believe me I have a big fear letting anyone post I find unforthcoming in their request to join. Unless I trust you sorry you will not be posting on the site. And unless those ones who have put zero information on their personal pages startes to then I will delete them before long. That is why we have new members but we are not growing as fast as you would think....we should have close to 200 and because I have deleted a bunch that is why net numbers stay the same. And I have and will continue to watch our site like a hawk for any persons who might lean towards thinking that would tear our strong faith down in any way. However if there is a misunderstood post by a member well that means the two folks that have that misunderstanding should work it out with love and christian behaviour. I did not fight for my life this last week I might add,