I stress a lot, do you?

by free2beme 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Calliope

    stress? i could write a book on the physiological/physical consequences of stress.

    over the last month, i've been to the doctor over 5 times, have had 4 xrays for numerous "pains", had an ekg and an echocardiogram... began wearing a mouthguard to sleep...

    by the end of my list of symptoms, my doctor asked if i was a hypochondriac. i'm not even joking.

    this year, has been the year from hell and the stress was most definitely exhibited through physical malaise.

    the cause of the stress? that's a whole other thread.

  • Es

    hell yeah

    its like i need to stress i need something to feel stressed about its horrible. Im like you always worried bout things i can control, my hubby is great he just says dont worry bout it, it will all work out and it usually does and then i feel like an idiot for making such a big deal.

    Sigh...i never used to be like this


  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Obsessive behaviors and thought "traps" like these need to be stopped in their tracks. You need to identify the "red flags" and then mentally stop yourself from engaging in this behavior. Losing sleep over things like this is not healthy.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    A friend gave me this:

    Martin Lloyd Jones Heart Surgeon in

    Most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself rather than talking to yourself.

    You wake up in the morning and right away there are streams of thoughts coming in to your mind you have not invited them, you did not ask for them, you are not concisouly doing anything to produce them...they just come and they start talking to you.

    Listenening is passive and talking is active. What happens when we are discourged we tend become great listeners of our feelings and our emotions instead of talking to them.

  • free2beme
    Free, the more you post the more I think you need help. This isn't meant in a mean way, I'm quite serious. You being in control of your life is an illusion. Maybe a common illusion, but an illusion none the less. I'm afraid if you don't take it upon yourself to curb this vice, life will deal you a lesson that you may well find painful.

    Dude, such advice is actually rude. I am just posting thoughts that I want to speak about at the time and my spouse and I both post under this same account. So your speaking to two different people. Male and Female. It never fails, you come to a site and post and there is always someone thinking they are a backseat-doctor. I see people pour out this dumb advice to people all the time. Why are people inclined to always think everything needs a pill or a doctor, is that what society teaches people. If so, then no wonder they are so rich. Were trained their the fix all.

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