Are you a perfectionist?

by prophecor 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    I can't think of the name for those who have to have the towels folded just right or the ones who place their shoes side by side each other in a specific spot and have a shitfit if someone messes it up..........there's a name for it.

    Gimme' an O

    Gimme' a C

    Gimme' a D

    Whadya' Got?

    OCD Gumby!!! OCD!!! Obsesive Cumpulsive Disorder!!!

    Andi, I don't know if Being a DUB makes us more prone to come out all qwirky because of the black & white thinking, I do feel, however, anyone inside who has this particular mental shift has a greater chance of making a mess out of thier life because of the way we all were programmed in the organisation.

    Being rather Nutzo tends to run among those in the Hall

  • JH

    When I wash my car, I want it spotless

    When I work on a photoshop picture, I want it perfect

    But for the rest, not really.

  • Billygoat

    I do find beauty in imperfection sometimes. I have a photo of my husband's great aunt right when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. She very old and wrinkly and has crooked yellow teeth. But there is something sparkly in her eyes when the shot was taken that I am just in love with. She does not reflect the beauty that society would like us to see, but she has a uniqueness that is perfect in my opinion.

    That's partly why I love my photography. You can really take the time to see the beauty in a photograph.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Used to be, but I'm much better now.
    ;) tall penguin

  • serendipity

    I'm a reformed perfectionist. I aim for "good enough" and settle for the "B" rather than the A+. I'm much saner these days.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    I found the cure (^_^).

    reality is perfect until you compare it to something it's not.

  • FairMind

    Iv'e bin an prefectionyst fore many yaers. Expecaily whin it coms to gramma.

  • delilah
    Yes, unfortunately, I've always been a perfectionist. I've driven myself half mad at times, and my family too, I'm sure. However, now that I'm a little older, I find I'm somewhat wiser,( debatable) and I'm not sweating the small things like I used to. Life is far more pleasurable these days....even the dust-bunnies think so.
  • bigmouth

    I am a bit like prophecor. I have dozens of projects but I can't bear to begin the next one until the first one is absolutely right. If necessary, I'll tear it apart and do it again until it is right. And then I'll minimise the effort to any one that might admire it.

    Of course, just being a perfectionist doesn't necessarily mean you make a good job of anything!

  • tweety

    I'm a perfectionist with my house, car, lawn & garden, myself and my cloths........and it drives my husband CRAZY!!!

    I just like things neat, organized and clean...very, very clean! haa hee

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