I can't think of the name for those who have to have the towels folded just right or the ones who place their shoes side by side each other in a specific spot and have a shitfit if someone messes it up..........there's a name for it.
Gimme' an O
Gimme' a C
Gimme' a D
Whadya' Got?
OCD Gumby!!! OCD!!! Obsesive Cumpulsive Disorder!!!
Andi, I don't know if Being a DUB makes us more prone to come out all qwirky because of the black & white thinking, I do feel, however, anyone inside who has this particular mental shift has a greater chance of making a mess out of thier life because of the way we all were programmed in the organisation.
Being rather Nutzo tends to run among those in the Hall