*** Uses of The 4th Dimension *** ------------------------- Since I discovered The 4th Dimension, one of the conclusions I have reached is, The 4th Dimension is an infinite access to The Truth. Throughout this website, I use the term "I wish" - it is really a way to voice a person's desire - and from the work I have done - it really works. From the saying: "Ask and you shall receive", I have understood that any human being can make an infinity of "wishes" and receive The Truth (the correct answer) to every question they may have, in the form of a dream - that same night. A person is not limited to the proverbial "3 wishes". ------------------------- From my research, I have also seen that other people have also known about this dimension and have "kept silent" about it. They have been conducting activities that I will term "criminal", this is why I have included a tract for Law Enforcement, so that they can become aware that this dimension exists and they can use it as a tool to acquire The Truth to solve any and all crimes. To do this, just say this out loud before going to sleep (this is called by MetaPhysicists - programming your sleep) ------------------------ Use The 4th Dimension to find your soulmate This is very easy to do - all you need to know is The Truth of WHO your soulmate is. To find your soulmate, do the following: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Say this out loud before you go to sleep: "I WISH TO KNOW THE TRUTH: WHO IS MY SOULMATE?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to sleep and you will get The Truth in the form of a dream that night. Once you find out The Truth, why waste anymore time? When you wake up, go find "him" or "her" and be happy. ------------------------ What if your soulmate is in another country or far away? No Problem....Use The 4th Dimension to make contact.. that is, use it "like a telephone" or "a chat room". Here's how... Once you find out WHO your soulmate is, contact his/her mind via The 4th Dimension in this way: ------------------------- Say this out loud before you go to sleep: "I WISH TO MEET MY SOULMATE." ------------------------ Go to sleep and you will meet THE MIND of your soulmate THAT NIGHT in the form of a dream. What does this mean? It means you are ACTUALLY SPEAKING MIND - TO - MIND with your soulmate, so when you wake up in the morning (that is, your minds re-enter your physical bodies) you remember your meeting - it really took place! Keep meeting in this way until you can meet in the physical world. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use The 4th Dimension to NEVER BE LIED TO AGAIN This is one of the best benefits of using The 4th Dimension. You can use it to stop a lie, before it takes root in your mind. If a lie takes root in a person's mind, that person is manipulated by that lie and the liar. Lies also wastes a person's time and energy. To stop ALL LIES before they take root, do the following: Say this out loud before you go to sleep: "I WISH TO KNOW THE TRUTH: IS [ INSERT NAME OF PERSON HERE ] LYING TO ME?" Go to sleep and you will receive The Truth about your question that night. This tool is invaluable, because it helps you understand the motive of anything presented to you in the physical world (3rd Dimension). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use The 4th Dimension as a "University" [ get an education ] You can know and learn anything and everything (no matter how old you are ), your heart desires - FREE - the important thing is - is that you are learning The Truth aboutt any matter or subject. You can learn and understand: Physics, Mathematics, Science, Engineering, Botany, Medicine, etc All you have to do is "request The Truth" about a subject - that is, "make a wish" and you will receive an education on that subject matter - that night. To learn any subject matter, you desire to know, say this out loud before you go to sleep: to sleep: ------------------------ "I WISH TO KNOW THE TRUTH: about [ INSERT SUBJECT HERE ]" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to sleep and you will get a lesson, on that subject, that night. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use The 4th Dimension to travel the world Have you ever wanted to go to London, Rome, Amsterdam, Prague, or any city in the world - but never been? Why wait? You can go there TONIGHT - FREE - via The 4th Dimension. Just program your sleep and you will experience these fatastic cities (or any place on earth you desire to visit), just like a real vacation in the physical world. To visit any city in the world, Say this out loud, before you go to sleep: "I WISH TO GO TO [ INSERT NAME OF CITY HERE ]" Go to sleep and you will experience (visit) that city. Example: To go to London, just say this before you sleep: "I WISH TO GO TO LONDON." Go to sleep and you will experience the city of London. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use The 4th Dimension to travel the solar system This universe is big and civilized. Use The 4th Dimension to visit any planet you choose. Please follow this link to get started (Space Travel 101) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can understand, the most precious time of the day is really whenever you fall asleep. That is, you have the opportunity to access The Truth to know or do anything your heart desires. You just have to program your sleep and pay attention to your dream time. Your mind then retains the memory of your research of The Truth or your adventures in The 4th Dimension. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try to make at least 1 wish per night. (*wink*) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you make a wish and change your mind, just make another one. It is the last wish you make, before you sleep, that you pay attention to. - Sweet Dreams ==== **** The Secret To The Game of Life **** ------------- Here is the secret to The Game of Life: WHENEVER YOU SAY OUT LOUD: "I WISH" + [ ADD ANYTHING YOUR HEART DESIRES ] (then fall asleep) = YOUR WISH IS FULFILLED THAT NIGHT IN THE FORM OF A DREAM! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tell at least two of your friends of this secret wisdom. == This has been a Public Service Message from The Author of "Ueber Alles" http://www.ueberalles.com/apublicservicemessage.html ------------------------ Use The 4th Dimension to verify all data on this website: Ueber Alles I have put some notes down for Mathematicians, Physicists, Computer Scientists, and Engineers - all data they see, they can verify in this way: "I WISH TO KNOW THE TRUTH: IS THE SCIENTIFIC DATA ON "UEBER ALLES" ACCURATE?" Go to sleep and you will receive The Truth - that night. ------------------------- Take a sneak peek at "Ueber Alles - The Movie" The many uses of the 4th Dimension is still to be researched by humanity, but one use that may interest anyone is to get a sneak peek at the movie "Ueber Alles". To do this, just say this out loud before going to sleep: "I WISH TO SEE A PREVIEW OF "UEBER ALLES - THE MOVIE" Go to sleep and you will get a sneak preview. ------------------------- Further..... Using The 4th Dimension, not only can you get a sneak preview of "Ueber Alles", you can also EXPERIENCE The Movie "Ueber Alles", by becoming any of the characters in it. Just program your sleep and you can experience, "Ueber Alles" rather than "just watch it." ------------------------ To be any character of "Ueber Alles", "Plan Odelia", "The Constance Factor", or "American Street Fighters" Just do the following: Say this out loud, before you go to sleep: "I WISH TO BE: [ INSERT NAME OF CHARACTER HERE ]" Go to sleep and you will play the role of that character that night! ------------------------ Example: If you want to experience the character: "Kurt Schwierige", just do the following: Say this out loud, before you go to sleep: "I WISH TO BE: "KURT SCHWIERIGE OF UEBER ALLES - THE MOVIE". Go to sleep and you will play the character, "Kurt Schwierige", that night! ------------------------ If you choose to look for The Prophetess (subplot of Ueber Alles - The Movie) and want to experience the character: "You", just do the following: Say this out loud, before you go to sleep: "I WISH TO BE: "MYSELF OF UEBER ALLES - THE MOVIE". Go to sleep and you will play the character, "You" (that searches for The Prophetess), that night! ------------------------ It is recommended that men, play male character roles and women, play female character roles while in The 4th Dimension (4D Space), this avoids confusion of thought and in The 4th Dimension [ because it is all mind (thought) ] a person needs to avoid confusion!
Uses of The 4th Dimension (Einstein was wrong!)
by use4d 138 Replies latest social current
Im going to wish before I go to sleep tonight, how to win the lottery, I'll let you if it works.
Welcome Use4d.
Interesting first post - but what works for you may well not work for everyone else.
Would it be possible to create a special forum for all the crazy people's threads?
Nathan Natas
I used the fourth dimension to add a lot of much needed storage space to my garage. I've got a huge collection of hexaflexagons in there... somewhere.I've also used the fourth dimension to build an add-on to my house, which I am now renting to a family of angles (not angels, angles) from Remulec. They have a lease to buy option.
Buckaroo Bonzai?
Is that you?
"Laugh - a while you can, a-monkey-boy!!!"
4 Dimensions? Look at string theory. I think the quantum mathematicians have calculated about 25 so far.
This was apparently drawn from this web site: http://www.ueberalles.com/apublicservicemessage.html
It's a little easier to read there.
Dave of the 8th dimension class
Well, first of all, the 4th dimension is TIME
and secondly, there are 10 dimensions in string theory, 11 in brane-theory and 26 in bosonic space... through which one of those can you contact your soulmate, hmmm???
Thumb, thump,
Excuse me, can anyone help me find the door?
<--------Exit to reality ------->
(come on - wake up, wake up - you're just dreaming)