Attention Elders: Could we get the list of talks, and maybe even some....

by Check_Your_Premises 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat

    It appears, underground at least, the Elders have entered the information age. Why don't you DOWNLOAD a set? Freeware.

    This program is designed to make scheduling public talks faster and easier. This version is the cumulative result of several previous editions going back to good old DOS about 12 years ago. This version (3.10) offers a variety of features, including: - A list of congregations that you trade speakers with, including address, phone numbers and directions to the Kingdom Hall. - A list of all speakers and their outline numbers, availability, contact information, etc. - The list of outline titles in any one of several languages. (also permits entering titles in just about any language) - Provides a list of chairmen and Watchtower study readers and manages those schedules. - Prints hospitality options for visiting speakers including pre-assigned or open for volunteers. - Maintains schedules of incoming and outgoing assignments. Prints the schedule for the information board. - A variety of options controlling the appearance of printed schedules, (fonts, languages, etc) - A history of talks given with a report showing how many times given since a selected date - A cross reference report of all outline titles showing who has each one - A who has look up feature for quickly locating a replacement speaker with the same outline number - A custom report generator enabling creation of your own reports - International support for addresses, phone numbers, postal codes and languages - Easy import of data from version 2.0 - Backup, restore and export of data. (Useful to share the data with other users of the software) - Remembers most settings from run to run reducing data entry requirements.

    Public Talk Scheduler v3.10

    Organizer for public talks including a complete list of all the current outlines. You will also need the 'Support Files' on this page for this to run. 1.8MB

    Support Files

    Needed for the Public Talk Scheduler and the Stage Organizer 5.1MB

  • blindersoff
  • jgnat

    Ask and ye shall receive.

    This is the titles only, no outlines.

  • ackack

    Nice. (actually, some other interesting details on

    However, both are incomplete. There are actually 150+ talk outlines, I'm not sure on the exact count.


  • doinmypart

    I have scans of:
    Marriage Talk
    Funeral Talk
    Memorial Talk
    Use Education to Praise Jehovah (public talk)
    A Loyal Congregation Under Christ's Leadership (public talk)
    Why Christians Must Be Different (public talk)

    These are scans of the actual talks from WTS, not just the title or the references. I also have public talks dealing with Blood, Giving Jehovah what we have, Who Will be Saved, and many other talks. I'll scan those later today.

    Runningman is correct the talks are boring. But AuldSoul is also correct...if more of the WTS silly words are made available for all to see, then people can make an informed decision.

    CYP & AuldSoul - hopefully these scans and others will be available on reexamine soon. I'm sending you a PM.

  • TheListener

    I have several outlines. I will scan them in, who knows who will benefit from them.

    If the society sees the huff family website you can bet the Huff family will be getting a letter from "mother."

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    I have a complete set of WTS public talk outlines, and the accompanying index of talks. The time it will take to scan this material puts it beyond the ability of my near-term schedule. If anyone here wants me to send hardcopies to scan send a PM and we'll discuss it.

    Marvin Shilmer

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