How Many Of You?

by justsomedude 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Somehow I never really took seriously the paradise story to me it sounded like a fairy tale. I was always acting as if that end wouldn't come that's why I went to university while some dubs were saying "why if the end is so near?"

  • james_woods

    Exactly right (but you already knew Malibu and Monterrey were going to the ex CO and DO crowd).

    I saw that Sean Connery SCI-FI movie Zardoz while thinking this type of logic. The little immortal dome community was slowly dying out of boredom and the unwillingness to even grow food or wash their dishes. They had to have an outside supply of unwashed savages to farm for them and serve them. Their punishment for dissention was selective ageing...otherwise they just stayed about 25.

    Their final desire became to have the Connery guy let in all the slave savages and kill them to end their misery.

  • serendipity

    Paradise is the reward for all the abstinence in this system.

  • lucifer

    But..I hated the idea of heaven even more, really how boring would it be to watch "perfect" people all day??

  • jeeprube

    The only time I dwelt on the New System teaching was at assemblies and conventions. The rest of my time was spent slaving under the Watchtower yoke.

  • jojochan

    I too was really into it. But then as time moved on and the older I got, the more things I saw in regards to that whole idea. How dubs were viewing their own baptism as a talisman to make it in . Even I was scared when I was little about that idea. I loved thethought of it though but.. try to explain that idea to a normal person, the WHOLE doctrine of it.Armageddon, the 1000 yrs in paradise, then at the end of that 1000 yrs satan will be let loose for a "little while" (MORE hoop jumping!) Then God will finally destroy satan along with those who follow him, try explaining THAT. I know; I tried on one occasion to a co worker about it. The whole jist of it, when I was done he looked at me like this .


  • Seeker4

    The WTS's picture of the New System didn't appeal to me very much - it was the idea of living forever, having infinite time to do what I loved, that really appealed to me.


  • Qcmbr

    Maybe you guys could help me out with a question I posed to a couple of dubs:

    I wanted to know why they didn't actually want to see and be with God but actually wanted to live forever on an earth that seemed little more than a beautiful garden. I pointed out that children wouldn't be part of the picture and neither would old people (though oddly I'm sure I saw kids in some JW depictions of Paradise.) so we'd all be the same age. I asked would it be boring after a while, would they still be married or able to fall romantically in love (can't remember the answer). The thing that got me was the absolute lack of desire for anything more and a very strong no to heaven. Why? What was teh motivation (i.e. the only set of Christians I ever knew who didn't want to go to heaven..)

  • kazar

    I was Catholic when I converted to Jehovah's Witnesses in my teens. But the concept of heaven actually revolted me. Everyone programmed and flying around on wings. I was very attracted to the idea of paradise earth -- until I began to realize as James Woods so interestingly commented, the inconsistencies which filled my mind in my latter years as a Witness and disillusioned me. I still like the concept. I just can't believe it.

  • lonelysheep

    It was a bit appealing to me because I thought that never again would any children be sick or die. This was probably the stem of my dangling carrot.

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