*** w98 10/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
"Consequently, while it is entirely a private matter if Christians choose to take note of their wedding anniversary, there are good reasons why mature Christians abstain from celebrating birthdays."
Notice it Say's MATURE CHRISTIANS. This canme up in my congregation, There was a sister that quit going to the meetings she was married to a non-believer, her husband demanded that she celebrated their kids birthday. Her mom brought this up to the Elders. I went and talked to her and asked her why, she celebrated birthday's. We did not know what to do because we did not want to cause her any problems because she was hurting no one, but her mom was stumbled so we had to do something the C.O. was called and he quoted the above MAg. He said the article mean just what it Say's, she had the right to celebrate her kids birthday and if she started back in she would be considered weak not mature. He said any brother that celebrated birthday's would not be give any special privileges.