God will implant the exact impressions and memories of all things that happened during the person’s previous consciousness, his power of recognizing people and scenes and locations, and all his personality traits, and everything that displays his mental growth or retardation.
i think that there is more of an issue here than just the fact that god would reimplant retardation.
- according to these morons, and other genesis YECs, god already implanted retardation into us in the garden of eden by crippling our genomes. can xians explain how this is done technically? no they can't.
- *how* would god, if he exists and is indeed the xian's god, actually first of all record all of the memories of people who live now, if memories are over written during a persons life? *how* does he transfer/map synaptic connections from our physical universe, into his spiritual one? *how* does god then reinsert these "memories" and "traits" into people in the paradise (or heaven) after they die, when it would involve not just the data, but actual physical neurological connections to get the same personality?
the watchtower society, and other creationists, do not have the answers to these questions, along with all the other questions they do not have answers for. their only answer is not really an answer, but rather a formal statement based an article of complete faith: god is all powerful (for which they have no evidence AT ALL as well).
so basically, the WTS *and* other xian and muslim creationists, are talking out of their ignorant blow-holes when they say shit like this!
this really irks me, as you can see, because it is a willful neglect and denial of the knowledge that science has uncovered for us, in a natural way. oh, and btw, science cannot answer the above questions because to begin with: they can find no evidence for the existence of god.
the rest is magical thinking at it's finiest.