I have been a JW all of my life and i have NEVER heard anyone say anything about not having sex in the NS. Did the WTBS ever actually say that? or is a bit of wittness folklore?
No sex in NS.
by IMustBreakAway 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Surely I'm not the only person that doesn't know what "sex in the NS" means... surely... [oh please... please tell me I'm not the only one...]
Is it one of those "say it slowly, out loud" things? You know, <wink><wink>, N...S....
Well, what I heard was that the resurrected ones are like angels in heaven and don't get married.
So, if 6 million people survive Armageddon, and 10 or 15 billion are resurrected, that means that less than 1% of people on earth will have sex, and enjoy having a spouse children and a home full of loving poeple.
That teaching pissed me off, and I lost my joy when they thought that.
I was under the impression that jw's taught that in the new system -if you died having a spouse you get to keep them (if they make it of course) and you will be married in the traditional sense, if you are not married at the big A you must remain single for eternity. But then you would have to believe the whole paradise earth nonsense for any of it to matter to you at all.
34 Jesus said to them: “The children of this system of things marry and are given in marriage, 35 but those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. 30 for in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven. What I heard is that those that are already married, and didn't die at Armageddon, will stay married. For the rest, forget sex for eternity.
JH has it right. resurrected have no sex, otherwise whose spouse would you be in the new system if you remarried. Also, the general thought was that since the purpose of sex was to fill the earth, that when the earth was filled there would be no more sex. But surely, Jehovah would replace it with something much cooler.
But surely, Jehovah would replace it with something much cooler.
I'd be happy with a hot woman and sex throughout eternity, in a perfect body...
But what I heard is that Jehovah will take away our "desire" for sex, so we won't be unhappy.
But the first step is to be in the new system, if that's what you still want.
Surely I'm not the only person that doesn't know what "sex in the NS" means... surely...
Nope, sorry Dave, you were the only one. [idiot...]
Never heard the "no sex in the new system" rumor.
Never heard the "no sex in the new system"
It's not to the Watchtower's advantage to yell this from the roof tops.
Many would lose their joy, like I did when I understood this teaching very clearly from the podium.
It is not just folklore. Watchtower 6/1/1987, pages 30-31, suggests many people will not be able to marry in the New System. That was one of the top reasons I left the borg. The reason you haven't heard about it is because the WTS purposely deemphasizes this teaching. I believe the article even says something like, "There is no reason to emphasize this." There was a thread about it this past yr. You may be able to find it with Google.